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>>>>>>>>>Now comes the hard part....
>>>>>>>>I'm looking forward to the upside. The word 'historic' is being thrown around a lot, but I think it is fitting.
>>>>>>>>The one part of the Obama phenomenon that has always disturbed me (though the cause is in fact 'historic' ) he is always referred to as 'Black' rather than the more accurate 'bi-racial' and this itself is the legacy of Jim Crow - the 'one-drop' rule. His personal story is even more compelling if seen in it's true context and makes his role as a 'bridge' and a 'uniter' more believable. I guess because of my own life experiences and the makeup of my own family I am more focused on issues of culture and don't really see race as a meaningful distinction. And I see younger Americans looking at the world more that way - where skin color is closer to eye color on the scale of things that are important and people gravitating to each other based on cultural commonality. Obama represents that beautifully and I look forward to that example being a bridge to the future. Also, interestingly, this flies in the face of the kind of identity politics that have become the mainstay of the Democratic base and I hope it leads to his guiding his party in a better direction.
>>>>>>>>Change is coming. And I think some surprises along with it.
>>>>>>>>I hope everyone who voted against Obama will now give him the respect, cooperation and, when necessary, loyal opposition the President deserves. I think many on the Left behaved mindlessly and shamefully toward Bush (as others sometimes did toward the more eager-to-please Clinton) and it would be just as ugly if the Right does it to President Obama. There really are things more important than politics and polarization.
>>>>>>>>Country first.
>>>>>>>I agree that the fact that President elect Obama is bi-racial is remarkable. I also hope that all of the country can get behind him now and have hem truly be OUR president. We need to disenters to be vocal and active in process that is about to begin. Our country need change but not blind change, we need to have all of the voices heard and I am very hopefull that our new president will be able to bring the parties together and perhaps we can have some historic changes occur over the next few years. I am usually not very talkative about political issues but in this situation I truly hope we have begun a process of change that will be remarkable. As you stated above, Country first!
>>>>>>I agree.
>>>>>Could you or anyone else in this agreement specify now what kind of "historic changes" are supposed to come, or at least what kind of historic changes should come? Naturally enough, it would be interesting to see wider selection of answers just to compare that this "agreement" is really an agreement, so I deliberately send this reply to few posters, not just to you.
>>>>I didn't say historic changes will come, although of course I hope they do. I said the election of a black candidate (or biracial for those who prefer that term) was a historic event. That's all. Now we will find out what Obama can actually do.
>>>Or might do, or intends to do, or is told to do, or ...
>>>It would have been convenient to have a clue what his real intentions were before the election.
>>>Hopefully he doesn't damage the nation too badly before his 4 years are up.
>>Many Obama's supporters do not have a clue what kind of changes could come, but it's Ok. Firstly, getting a clue would assume certain and unusual mental efforts, and, secondly, they will gladly accept whatever will come from Him, and at that point they will claim that it was exactly what they wanted before it.
>And if they don't get what they want they will blame Bush.
>Pretty convenient.

Blaming Bush would be mandatory in any circumstances. It is just a level of this blaming that will depend on how things go. If economy goes bad (likely scenario, imho) then Bush will be blamed openly and daily. If it improves then Bush will be blamed on special occasions only.
Edward Pikman
Independent Consultant

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