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New President
06/11/2008 12:09:21
06/11/2008 11:57:37
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:o) Just keeping it real. :o)

A nice change of pace would be for future complaints to be limited to actual areas of responsibility. We just spent 8 years of a failed administration where the president actually did do some good but was also blamed for everything including what Congress did or did not do. IMHO, Bush made more HORRIBLE decisions than many presidents and he should have been impeached (you can my posts on that here going way back) for the erosion of our bill of rights and civil liberties and the circumvention of checks and balances, but that didn't happen. Here though he is blamed for everything and it has been nothing but mudslinging for years. He may be a devil, but this whole 'Bush is the devil and responsible for everything that goes wrong' is as much nonsense as calling Obama a terrorist or the messiah.

>Ok - I'll give you the 'thump on my nose' for the exaggeration. I'm just getting a little tired of the broken record that William seems insistant on playing every time someone says something the least positive about Obama's election.
>>>>It's kind of humorous in a pathetic sort of way that his campaign people started telling people to downplay their expectations of what he was going to do as the election came down to the wire.They didn't want to add reality to his public appearences or the debates.
>>>Again, Obama has been saying all along that solutions will take time. Nothing will happen immediately. How many of W's campaign promises came true?
>>Not true. You might want to listen to more of his speeches over the duration of his campaign before making a blanket statemen like that. For an example, go back to March for one of the first adjustments:
>>He was booed in Fayetteville when spoke in front of the military promising all soldiers would return with 16 months. After that his future speeches started hinting at beginning withdrawal at 16 months and it changed again after that.
>>Then look at July 08 September 07:
>>"Saying all along" is not accurate.
>>An interesting reflection:
>>None of that is unusual during a campaign. I just think that the same criteria for every candidate and newly elected president should hold. Obama was no exception to other candidates throughout history when it came to changing positions on the issues during the campaign and adjusting timelines.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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