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Help with SQL
14/11/2008 05:19:10
13/11/2008 10:55:05
General information
Visual FoxPro
Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows 2008 Server
MS SQL Server
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I really appreciate the trouble you've gone to here. The setting up of the report cursor is like I had in mind, and like I've done many times before, with a variable width report. Your way may be better or more efficient (I haven't access to my old code at old job or checked yours out properly yet) but my problem has been the SQL to get the data from the tables into the format necessary for the print cursor batches in the first place.

Thanks a lot


>>>>yes, thanks, Ed.
>>>>If the result cursor has more employees in it than there are columns across the (landscape) page to fit on the report then I do the following:
>>>>Say there are 10 columns of booked/charged data across the page. Then I go through the cursor and get each set of 10 records into a special cursor i keep just for the report.
>>>> I report form this "batch" of 10 records then get the next 10 from the cursor.
>>>>And so on till all the cursor recs have been printed.
>>>>BTW, sorry but I need to leave work in 20 mins, so maybe carry this on tomorrow after that.
>>>Sure, there still one issue left. If let's say Inv#1 has employees Bob and John, and next Inv.#2 has Derek and Paul; do you report them in 4 or 2 columns?
>>4 columns
>>>In other words, each employee has fixed position in the report or you always squeeze them and print employee name in each report line? I suspect that the latter is the case, but still will appreciate if you confirm it. Could you do it now? If yes, then I will give full report querying outline in the next message and you could look at it when you get home.
>>Each employee against whose work an invoice has been raised will appear in a column of HIS data.
>>Some employees may have hours in different invoices.
>>Some invoices will have hours under more than one employee (eg several employees' work was invoiced for part of the job)
>>the employee names will appear only at the top of the column dealing with all the work (invoices) charged against them.
>>I hope this explains, but I really need to go now (dentist appt.) :-(
>>Cheers Ed.
>I see it, so you have fixed employee columns. Let's proceed with data processing now:
>Firstly, you prepare report cursor invoice and batch columns
>Create Cursor myreportcursor (invid I,invno C(10),batchno I)
>Now you prepare employee columns
>For nLoop=1 To 9
>	cFieldname1='empcharge'+Transform(nLoop)
>	cFieldname2='empbook'+Transform(nLoop)
>	Alter Table myreportcursor Add Column &cFieldname1. N(4,1) Add Column &cFieldname2. N(4,1)
>Now you collect employees
>Select Distinct EmpID,EmpName From InvoiceDataTable Join EmployeeTable On ... Where .... Order By 2 Into Cursor reportemployees
>Now you can start collecting data for each employee filling it to the report cursor:
>Select myreportcursor 
>Index On Str(batchno)+str(InvId) Tag BatchInvoice
>Set Order To Tag EmpId in InvoiceEmpData    && this is either full data or recordset collected by some invoice criteria
>Select reportemployees
>  nCounter=nCounter+1
>  nFieldnumber=mod(nCounter,9)   && use it to fill proper field in the reportcursor
>  if nFieldnumber=0
>    nFieldnumber=9
> endif
>  nBatchno=ceiling(nCounter/9)   && first 9 employees go to 1st batch, next 9 to 2nd batch and so on
>  nEmpId=reportemployees.empid   && use this id to collect hours from invoice/hours tables
>  Select InvoiceEmpData
>  Seek nEmpId
>  Scan While InvoiceEmpData.EmpId=nEmpId
>    nInvID=InvoiceEmpData.InvID
>   *** check in hours tables to collect hours per InvId+EmpId, getting nCharge (charged hours) and nBooked (booked hours)
>    If seek(Str(nBatchno)+Str(nInvID),'myreportcursor','BatchInvoice')=.F.   && add new record
>      Insert into myreportcursor (invid,invno,batchno) values(nInvID,cInvno,nBatchno)
>    endif
>   cFieldname1='empcharge'+transform(nFieldnumber)
>   cFieldname2='empbook'+transform(nFieldnumber)
>   Replace &cFieldname1. With nCharge,&cFieldname2. With nBooked in myreportcursor 
>  EndScan
>Please, note that I didn't test the code, so check for typos, and use actual table/field names. There are few auxiliary things that may transpire on the way, so do it methodically. Good luck.
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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