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This is how west has been selfish
01/12/2008 10:11:46
01/12/2008 10:04:45
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>>>>>>To the radical Muslims: The definition of selfishness is "To be concerned with one's own interests". Being concerned with one's own interests is not a crime. Indeed, selfishness means that you are being polite by not butting into other people's lives without an invitation. Blundering into other peoples lives without being invited is one of the big mistakes of those who follow a prothletizing religion such as yours. You are being grossly misled by the leaders of your religion. Until you separate religion from the government, you will always be cojoled by religion to be angry and pugilistic. Furthermore, the people of your area of the world seem to become insulted for the smallest reason. Get a life. Leave other people to live their lives in peace and stop blaming them for your troubles. The actions of anger and stupidity shall never be tollerated by the free world countries and that is why those countries are doing what they can to remove the perpetators of violence from your area and restore peaceful dialogue. The middle east attacked the west several times before action was taken. There is no problem that can not be negotiated, or for that matter, abandoned. Seek peace, do business, and be prosperous.
>>>>>I don't know who is radical muslim but I'm sure you're a radical christian.
>>>>>To the radical christians:
>>>>>-Please don't bring freedom anywhere on the world!
>>>>I am not demonizing all Muslims -- it is a small minority who do this stuff -- but in this case the phrase "radical Muslims" is apt. When you kill hundreds of people, that's pretty radical.
>>>>There probably aren't many who want to bring Christianity to the Arab world. We just get tired of Islamic terrorists going around the world blowing things up.
>>>Sure there are. Christians are no different in wanting the world to believe as they do. They'd love to convert Arabs and anybody else who isn't Christian. The difference is in method. Most Christians don't arm themselves with assault rifles and then run around the world terrorizing hotels and shopping malls.
>>Well, sure, there are some zealots who think that way. But I doubt there are a lot of Christians who seriously think converting Muslims is a realistic goal.
>There is a huge difference between a realistic goal and a desire. Your original note didn't say "expect to bring Christianity...", it said, "want to bring Christianity..."

I would even add here that the difference between desires and real actions is even bigger. It would be a huge stretch (probably, another word should be used) to say that murderers wanted to "spread Islam" to their victims. It is just a mass murder, with no cover up.
Edward Pikman
Independent Consultant

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