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This is how west has been selfish
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>>>>>Your problem with Islam not these terrorists...
>>>>Why do you blame me? These terrorist were targeting Hindu, Christians, and Jews – all non-muslims. Do you think these killers of innocent people didn’t pray before going on the horrendous terrorist act? They didn’t think that their God approved of what they were about to do?
>>>Where do Blackwater guys fit? Are they terrorists, just dogs of war aka mercenaries, or them having a contract and paperwork somehow makes them not terrorists by default?
>>I don't know who Blackwater guys are. But shifting away (or rationalizing that because there is a militant group) the islamic terrorism should be viewed as just another militant group, will never solve the problem. I have recently spent a vacation in Europe and every shopping mall has security people scrutinizing and checking/profiling people. Do you think they are checking for Blackwater guys? And if one of your family goes abroad and stays in a western style hotel, do you worry about their safety because of Blackwater guys? or possibly islamic terror attack?
>Blackwater is a private U.S. security firm that has contracted with the U.S. government to provide protection for high level government officials visiting Iraq. Many (most?) of them have elite military backgrounds. They have had a number of incidents in which they have been viewed as overly aggressive, including one notorious case in which a drunken Blackwater employee killed a civilian and was spirited out of Iraq Part of the controversy is that they have been relatively untouchable, including immunity from Iraqi laws. That is ending with the new security agreement in which Iraq takes greater responsibility for its own affairs and the U.S. begins to phase out.
>Despite the excesses, that have filled a necessary role in a chaotic setting. Dragan was stretching it quite a bit IMO comparing them to terrorists. Mercenaries, another word he used, is a much better description.

Thank you for the info on this Blackwater group. And I agree with you on your point about comparison.
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