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Michael Moore on the Auto Bailout
18/12/2008 04:48:03
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>>>>>>>After your joke about the shoes, I was thinking that if most of the citizens in this country had starting throwing shoes at President Bush, while they would have been arrested, perhaps the Senate and Congress would have done their job and impeached him.
>>>>>>Yeah, preferably some 7 years go.
>>>>>>BTW Did you see how he ducked ? Darn that was fast / versatile !
>>>>>>Like as if he was dodge-ball game champion rather then president {g}
>>>>>>I just cannot imagine any normal president who would manage to react that fast. ( Except maybe Blair {g} )
>>>>>>Imagine for instance Presidents like Gorbatchov or Reagan or that old French president Giscard d'Estain ...
>>>>>>But then again, those were presidents of a different breed/substance; Kind that nobody would ever even contemplate throwing their shoes at.
>>>>>There was a free-for-all on the late night talk shows. This video is hilarious. The ending is the best (the talk show hosts have shoes thrown at them):
>>>>>The video is a montage and is about 2/3rds down the page...
>>>>Musta missed what you're talking about. Did someone throw a shoe at Bush?
>>>Two shoes. Bush made an unannounced visit to Baghdad the other day and an Iraqi journalist at a press briefing threw two shoes at Bush's head from a distance of 15 feet.
>>And there seems to be reference to a video thereof.?
>>UPDATE: No matter. I've found it. referred to as "Sock and awe" lol
>>I think the shoe thing is a GREAT mark of disrespect in the Arab world. Remember when they pulled down the statue of Saddam and all hands started beating it with their shoes?
>Yes, I read that as well. Not sure why hitting with a shoe is taken as such an uber-insult but apparently it is.

Maybe it's because you can hardly get a dirtier part of the body than the soles of the feet (well, of parts that are clothed or shod and can be used to beat someone with), and so soles of the shoes "add insult to injury".
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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