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Grouch of the Day - Reflexive pronouns
13/01/2009 11:43:31
13/01/2009 11:31:15
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>>>>>>>Use of these is getting worse. Some examples, not from real life, but typical of what I've experienced/heard a lot lately:
>>>>>>>"Hi Mr McDonnell. I was wondering if our offer has reached yourself yet."
>>>>>>>"Could you manage to make payment to ourselves by the end of the week."
>>>>>>>"We're sending the order to yourselves direct."
>>>>>>>"There's just myself and yourself here."
>>>>>>Don't you just love those? In fact, a couple of my friends were talking to myself about this just the other day. ;)
>>>>>The moronic rule of thumb would appear to be "if the sentence requires a pronoun, replace it with one of those pronouns with 'self/selves' on the end"
>>>>>Myself can see that by the end of the next decade themselves will have replaced every pronoun with its anaphora.
>>>>Ok, I can see that I'm going to have to quit reading this thread since these sentences just make my eyes bleed.
>>>>I wonder, if you're reading something and you run across something like these sentences or some of my favorites like "loose the game", "your crazy", "she was finding it hard to breath", does it hurt to read them? I find that it does as my brain, or my eyes, tries to force the letters into something that makes sense to me.
>>>>Or is it just me?
>>>Not exactly hurt, but I do go apoplectic with rage :-)
>>>BTW, you forgot "It signed it's own death warrant"
>>And the really really sad thing is that these come from people who grew up speaking the English language. People for whom English is not their primary language generally make mistakes in verb conjucation or sentence construction but rarely these.
>>I blame spellcheck programs. People don't generally re-read what they've written anymore, they just run spellcheck and if it passes, it MUST be right!
>>>>>>"Hi Mr McDonnell. I was wondering if our offer has reached yourself yet."
>>>>>>"Could you manage to make payment to ourselves by the end of the week."
>>>>>>"We're sending the order to yourselves direct."
>>>>>>"There's just myself and yourself here."
>Most of these sound like Irish relatiives of mine and its not being moronic its just how they speak.

You can forgive the Irish though - they know not what they do. :-)

Below: Irish for "This is my brother's girlfriend's handbag"

You see me?
Well you see my brother?
Well you see his girlfriend?
This handbag is hers.
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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