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Name one thing President Bush did well
20/01/2009 06:05:35
19/01/2009 08:53:50
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>>>And here locally:
>>>Some snippets.
>>>“I like to say that we were fortunate during an unfortunate time,” said John Meroski, chief executive of the Fayetteville Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. “It’s hard to jump up and down for joy when you know these men and women are going to be on an airplane the next day.”
>>>The buildup for war pumped money, people and jobs into the local economy. Reservists heading to Fort Bragg for training flooded the city’s hotels; the average occupancy rate jumped from 52 percent in 2001 to better than 70 percent over the next three years.
>>>And the wars also put extra money in the pockets of soldiers, which they spent in restaurants, stores and car dealerships when they returned home.
>>>The numbers say it all: From 2003 to 2005, retail sales in Cumberland County grew by more than $665 million, an increase of 22 percent.
>>>Per capita income in the Fayetteville area has skyrocketed since 2001 — the fourth-fastest growth in the U.S. By 2006, personal income here reached $34,245, about $9,600 higher than before 9/11.
>>>War also has brought new civilian job opportunities, from startups hoping to score defense contracts to major companies that will likely bolster their local presence as Fort Bragg grows.

>>And this is an achievement ?
>>Maybe every city/area in US should have huge army camps, and then everybody will become prosperous ??
>>After Stock exchange bubble, Real estate bubble, Oil price bubble; - This would be something like Army camps bubble. {vbg}
>No, I was just pointing out how different areas prosper at different times. Mostly it was BRAC is what brought jobs and soldiers (to provide income to local businesses) to Fort Bragg. Whenever large numbers of military troops go overseas (Afghanistan included), many pass through Fort Bragg and that boosts the local economy. It is true of all towns near military bases.
>When the military is downsized and there are no overseas trips, military towns tend to go into their own recessions. During the 90s when the recession hit Germany, Schweinfurt got hit hard. However, the ball-bearing city made changes and focused more on services and actually now has 55,000 for its 55,000 residents. My friends tell me it was a record in Germany.
>Something else which has a small effect on the economy. While military pay is lower than it should be and much lower than in the private sector, it, unlike the private sector, is guaranteed income. The psychological fear that hits people during a recession doesn't strike military families like it does others. They can typically still get financing. On the other hand, there is enough fear and uncertainty that comes with the job to overcompensate for that.

I was kidding Tracy :)

Point however that this this 'prosperity' is based on federal tax expenditure allocation (army = taxes)
rather then natural growt of the area/region. They can enjoy it while it lasts, but you can't give it a credit of genuine
success story. Especially not pass that credit to your eX.
(I am not talking about your ex husband, but your ex...
uhhm, gmhh... {experiencing dificulties}, hmmm, errr ... {say it !!!} ... President! {vbg} )

Nice day today isn't it ? ;0)
Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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