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Harvest your LOCAL vars out of the code...
24/01/2009 21:21:36
24/01/2009 19:14:15
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Visual FoxPro
Codage, syntaxe et commandes
Thread ID:
Message ID:
Excellent. I will check out the latest release.

>The copy on was updated 2009/01/23. Looks like some array issue was addressed, along with some other updates.
>Here are the update comments:
>* Rhodri Evans - 1/23/2009
>* Support for statements that are split across multiple lines.
>* Check no duplicates in output.
>* Support for TEXT TO ...
>* Support for 'DO FORM' WITH clause
>* Additional Array functions
>>In addition to the LOCALS phrase, which includes AS DataType clauses, the phrase LOCAL6 produces standard Local statement without the datatype.
>>It still has difficulty with arrays. Even if it has already been declared, the routine adds it again. The duplicates have to be manually removed to prevent error of duplicate definitions.
>>There is also a copy here in the download section at download #28045.
>>>I found this great tool on to scan your code and add LOCAL calls for all the user variables used in the code.
>>>Great for lazy folks like me.
>>>It works as an intellisense script. Just put your cursor on an empty line, and type LOCALS and hit enter. It does all the work.
>>>Here is the link to it on
>>>Run this code to add the necessary script to the intellisense table.
>>>*!*	Intaller - this will install the script into the intellisense table:
>>>DO Add2IntelliSense WITH "locals", "", Locals(), "U"
>>>DO Add2IntelliSense WITH "locals6", "", Locals(), "U"
>>>PROCEDURE Add2IntelliSense( lcAbbr, lcLong, tcCode, tcType )
>>>	LOCAL cTAlias, lpdwReserved,lpdwType, z
>>>	cTAlias = SYS(2015)
>>>	SELECT (cTAlias)
>>>	LOCATE FOR UPPER(Abbrev) = UPPER(lcAbbr)
>>>	IF EMPTY(tcCode)
>>>		IF EOF() THEN
>>>			INSERT INTO (cTAlias) (TYPE, Abbrev, expanded, cmd, CASE, SAVE, TIMESTAMP) ;
>>>				VALUES ('U',UPPER(lcAbbr), lcLong,'', 'U', .F., DATETIME())
>>>		ELSE
>>>			UPDATE (cTAlias) SET TYPE = 'U',;
>>>				expanded=lcLong,;
>>>				cmd = '',;
>>>				CASE = 'U',;
>>>				SAVE = .F., ;
>>>				WHERE UPPER(Abbrev) = UPPER(lcAbbr)
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	ELSE
>>>		IF EOF() THEN
>>>			INSERT INTO (cTAlias) (TYPE, Abbrev, expanded, cmd, DATA, CASE, SAVE, TIMESTAMP) ;
>>>				VALUES (tcType,UPPER(lcAbbr), lcLong,'{}',tcCode, 'M', tcType#"S", DATETIME())
>>>		ELSE
>>>			UPDATE (cTAlias) SET TYPE = tcType,;
>>>				expanded=lcLong,;
>>>				cmd = '{}',;
>>>				DATA = tcCode, ;
>>>				CASE = 'M',;
>>>				SAVE = tcType#"S", ;
>>>				WHERE UPPER(Abbrev) = UPPER(lcAbbr)
>>>		ENDIF
>>>	USE IN (SELECT(cTAlias))
>>>*!*	End Installer
>>>LOCAL lcCode
>>>TEXT TO lcCode noshow
>>>*!* Troy Murphy
>>>*!*	Summary:
>>>*!*	Designed for those that use the Hungarian Notation convention in variable naming.
>>>*!*	Creates the 'LOCAL' declaration by scanning a codeblock. 
>>>*!*	Considers single character variables and variables that use 'l' in hungarian notation as local variables. 
>>>*!*	Also honors other scoping declarations (local private public). 
>>>*!*	Constrains itself to current code block (special thanks to Greg Reichert).
>>>*!*	It will create the type (as) syntax which will is especially useful on object types since that will give you the intellisense to your own classes. 
>>>*!*	Runs in VFP8 and above.
>>>*!*	To Use:
>>>*!*	Write the code as normal using hungarian notation for variables (lcMyVar, loMyObj). 
>>>*!*	The first two characters are key. 
>>>*!*	When you want the local declaration, place the mouse pointer at the line you wish the declaration to go
>>>*!*	   and type 'locals' or 'locals6' (no quotes) followed by a space to insert the LOCAL declaration. 
>>>*!*	Please feel free to improve or change behavior to suit your likng. 
>>>*!*	Of course you should type locals before the variables are initially initialized.
>>>*!*	This is a simple script, but I find it very productive.
>>>lparameter oFoxCode
>>>* Create the 'LOCAL' declaration in a code window.
>>>* Requires hungarian notation for variable types.  Only supports local types (l).
>>>* Be careful on code that contains multiple procedure files....
>>>* Troy Murphy - 6/21/05 modified to make object types match definition for intellisense.
>>>* Troy Murphy - 6/23/05
>>>*	will now treat single character variables as locals.
>>>*	Support for 'store .. to ..'
>>>*	Support for 'for' and 'for each'
>>>*	Support for arrays (dimension statements of la.. arrays are declared [1])
>>>* Troy Murphy - 6/24/05
>>>*	Will now support 'into array' and 'scatter name'
>>>*	Defaults to sorted (ascending)
>>>*	Will now ignore variables already declared in other 'local' directives.
>>>* Greg Reichert - 8/30/2006
>>>*   Now supports to exclude variable currently declared as Private, Public, Dimension, and Parameter statements.
>>>*   Only see variables in current Procedure block.
>>>*   IF LOCALS6 is typed, the Local statement is VFP 6.0 compatible (No AS statement prefixed).
>>>* Greg Reichert - 8/31/2006
>>>*	Fixed LOCAL ARRAY declaration
>>>*	Fixed when in non-procedure block.  search ends at first Procedure or Define class block is encountered.
>>>* Troy Murphy - 8/31/2006
>>>*	Support for inline array functions (finds the array parameter and localizes that if necessary).
>>>*	Support for 'DO FORM' - will honor 'linked' and 'to' keywords.
>>>*	De-Commisioned the 'LOCAL ARRAY Declaration' since arrays appear as: "local loMyArray[1]" which will also initialize the array.
>>>*   Removed the ignoring of lines with 'DIMENSION' statements to support the local array convention.
>>>* Rhodri Evans - 1/23/2009
>>>*	Support for statements that are split across multiple lines.
>>>*	Check no duplicates in output.
>>>*	Support for TEXT TO ...
>>>*	Support for 'DO FORM' WITH clause
>>>*	Additional Array functions
>>>* SYS(2030,1)	&& Uncomment this line to allow debugging.
>>>local i, lcCurrentLocals as string, lcExpression as string, lcInLineCommentString as string, lcObjClassLib as string, lcObjType as string, lcParse as string, lcResult as string, lcSourceLine as string, lcSuffix as string, lcText as string, lcTmp as string, lcVar as string, lcVartype as string, llSorted as Boolean, lnCnt as number, lnHandle as number, lnLoop as number, lnResult as number, lnResultDim as number, lnSelEnd as number, lnSelStart as number, lnWords as number, loObjTypes as 'collection'
>>>local laText[1], laResult[1], laParameters[1], laEnv[25], llLoop as Boolean, lnDup as Number, lnLoopStart as Number
>>>llSorted=.F.	&& Do you want the locals list sorted?
>>>lcResult="LOCAL "
>>>set library to (home()+"FoxTools.fll") additive
>>>if vartype(lnHandle)='N'
>>>	lcInLineCommentString=replicate(chr(28),2)
>>>	lnResult=_EdGetEnv(lnHandle,@laEnv)
>>>	lnSelStart=0
>>>	lnSelEnd=laEnv[2]
>>>	lcText=_EdGetStr(lnHandle,lnSelStart,lnSelEnd-1)
>>>	lcResult="LOCAL "
>>>	lnResultDim=0
>>>	lnCnt=alines(laText,lcText)
>>>	lcCurrentLocals=''
>>>	loObjTypes=createobject('collection')
>>>	*
>>>	*  Locate current position, scan to beginning of procedure
>>>	*--------------------------------------------------
>>>	LOCAL llAsVersion6
>>>	llAsVersion6 = .F. 	
>>>	for lnLoop=1 to alen(laText,1)
>>>		* Add SourceLine to previous if continuation line
>>>		lcSourceLine=IIF(llLoop,lcSourceLine,'')+ALLTRIM(chrtran(laText[lnLoop],chr(9)+chr(10)+chr(13),""))
>>>		IF RIGHT(lcSourceLine,1)=';'
>>>			* statement split across multiple lines	
>>>			lcSourceLine = STUFF(lcSourceLine,LEN(lcSourceLine),1,' ') && remove continuation mark
>>>			lnLoopStart = lnLoop
>>>			llLoop = .T.
>>>			LOOP
>>>		ELSE
>>>			* Statement finishes on this line
>>>			IF !llLoop
>>>				lnLoopStart = lnLoop
>>>			ENDIF
>>>			llLoop = .F.
>>>		ENDIF
>>>		IF LEFT(ALLTRIM(UPPER(lcSourceLine)),6)=="LOCALS"
>>>			llAsVersion6 = (ALLTRIM(UPPER(lcSourceLine))=="LOCALS6")		&& make compatible with VFP 6.0
>>>			*--------------------------------------------------
>>>			*  find the beginning of the block
>>>			*--------------------------------------------------
>>>			FOR lnLoop=lnLoop TO 1 STEP -1
>>>				* Add SourceLine to previous if continuation line
>>>				lcSourceLine=IIF(llLoop,lcSourceLine,'')+ALLTRIM(chrtran(laText[lnLoop],chr(9)+chr(10)+chr(13),""))
>>>				IF RIGHT(lcSourceLine,1)=';'
>>>					* statement split across multiple lines	
>>>					lcSourceLine = STUFF(lcSourceLine,LEN(lcSourceLine),1,' ') && remove continuation mark
>>>					lnLoopStart = lnLoop
>>>					llLoop = .T.
>>>					LOOP
>>>				ELSE
>>>					* Statement finishes on this line
>>>					IF !llLoop
>>>						lnLoopStart = lnLoop
>>>					ENDIF
>>>					llLoop = .F.
>>>				ENDIF
>>>				lcSourceLine = IIF(LOWER(LEFT(lcSourceLine,7))=="hidden ",ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(lcSourceLine,8)), lcSourceLine)
>>>				lcSourceLine = IIF(LOWER(LEFT(lcSourceLine,10))=="protected ",ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(lcSourceLine,11)), lcSourceLine)
>>>				DO CASE
>>>				CASE LOWER(LEFT(lcSourceLine,10))=="procedure "
>>>					EXIT 
>>>				CASE LOWER(LEFT(lcSourceLine,9))=="function "
>>>					EXIT 
>>>				ENDCASE 
>>>			NEXT 
>>>			EXIT 
>>>		ENDIF 
>>>	NEXT 
>>>	*--------------------------------------------------
>>>	*  remember the start end end positions
>>>	*--------------------------------------------------
>>>	LOCAL lnStartLoop, lnEndLoop
>>>	lnStartLoop = MAX(1,lnLoopStart)
>>>	lnEndLoop	= alen(laText,1)
>>>	* Find the existing local declarations
>>>	for lnLoop=lnStartLoop to alen(laText,1)
>>>		* Add SourceLine to previous if continuation line
>>>		lcSourceLine=IIF(llLoop,lcSourceLine,'')+ALLTRIM(chrtran(laText[lnLoop],chr(9)+chr(10)+chr(13),""))
>>>		IF RIGHT(lcSourceLine,1)=';'
>>>			* statement split across multiple lines	
>>>			lcSourceLine = STUFF(lcSourceLine,LEN(lcSourceLine),1,' ') && remove continuation mark
>>>			llLoop = .T.
>>>			LOOP
>>>		ELSE
>>>			* Statement finishes on this line
>>>			llLoop = .F.
>>>		ENDIF
>>>		lcSourceLine = IIF(LOWER(LEFT(lcSourceLine,7))=="hidden ",ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(lcSourceLine,8)), lcSourceLine)
>>>		lcSourceLine = IIF(LOWER(LEFT(lcSourceLine,10))=="protected ",ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(lcSourceLine,11)), lcSourceLine)
>>>		*--------------------------------------------------
>>>		*  GLR 8-29-2006 : add Private, Public, and Dimension to the list of possible declaration statements
>>>		*--------------------------------------------------
>>>		*-- GLR 8/31/2006 : added 'Define' to list
>>>		*-- THM 8/31/2006 : removed 'dimens' from list.
>>>		if INLIST(left(lower(lcSourceLine),6),'local ','privat','public', 'parame', 'lparam', ;
>>>											'proced', 'functi', 'endpro', 'endfun', 'define')
>>>			DO CASE 
>>>			*--------------------------------------------------
>>>			*  standard declarations
>>>			*--------------------------------------------------
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),6)=='local '
>>>				lcSourceLine=substr(lcSourceLine,6)
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),6)=='public'
>>>				lcSourceLine=substr(lcSourceLine,6)
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),8)=='private '
>>>				lcSourceLine=substr(lcSourceLine,8)
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),10)=='dimension '
>>>				lcSourceLine=substr(lcSourceLine,10)
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),10)=='parameter '
>>>				lcSourceLine=substr(lcSourceLine,10)
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),11)=='lparameter '
>>>				lcSourceLine=substr(lcSourceLine,11)
>>>			*--------------------------------------------------
>>>			*  if the start is th top of the page, then look for start of procedure or class
>>>			*--------------------------------------------------
>>>			*-- GLR 8/31/2006 : Will stop search when new block in encountered.
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),10)=='procedure ' and lnStartLoop==1
>>> 				lnEndLoop = lnLoop
>>> 				EXIT 
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine), 9)=='function ' and lnStartLoop==1
>>> 				lnEndLoop = lnLoop
>>> 				EXIT  
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),13)=='define class ' and lnStartLoop==1
>>> 				lnEndLoop = lnLoop
>>> 				EXIT  
>>>			*--------------------------------------------------
>>>			*  if start procedure, get arguments
>>>			*--------------------------------------------------
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),10)=='procedure ' 
>>>				IF "("$lcSourceLine
>>>	 				lcSourceLine=STRTRAN(substr(lcSourceLine, AT("(",lcSourceLine)+1),")","") 				
>>>				ELSE
>>>					LOOP
>>>				ENDIF 
>>>			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),9)=='function '
>>> 				IF "("$lcSourceLine
>>>	 				lcSourceLine=STRTRAN(substr(lcSourceLine, AT("(",lcSourceLine)+1),")","") 				
>>> 				ELSE
>>> 					LOOP
>>> 				ENDIF 
>>> 			*--------------------------------------------------
>>> 			*  if End of block, remember and exit loop
>>> 			*--------------------------------------------------
>>> 			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),7)=='endproc'
>>> 				*-- end of procedure
>>> 				lnEndLoop = lnLoop
>>> 				EXIT 
>>> 			CASE left(lower(lcSourceLine),7)=='endfunc'
>>> 				*-- end of function
>>> 				lnEndLoop = lnLoop
>>> 				EXIT 
>>>			ENDCASE 			
>>>			*--------------------------------------------------
>>>			*  Parse declarations
>>>			*--------------------------------------------------
>>>			for i = 1 to getwordcount(lcSourceLine,',')
>>>				lcTmp=alltrim(getwordnum(lcSourceLine,i,','))
>>>				if ' as '$lower(lcTmp)
>>>					lcTmp=alltrim(left(lcTmp,at(' ',lcTmp)))
>>>				endif
>>>				if '['$lcTmp
>>>					lcTmp=alltrim(left(lcTmp,at('[',lcTmp)-1))
>>>				endif
>>>				if '('$lcTmp
>>>					lcTmp=alltrim(left(lcTmp,at('(',lcTmp)-1))
>>>				endif
>>>				if !lower(alltrim(lcTmp)+',')$lower(alltrim(lcCurrentLocals)+',')
>>>					lcCurrentLocals = lcCurrentLocals + lcTmp +','
>>>				endif
>>>			endfor
>>>		endif
>>>	endfor
>>>	*--------------------------------------------------
>>>	*  using start and end points
>>>	*--------------------------------------------------
>>>	for lnLoop=lnStartLoop to lnEndLoop
>>>		* Add SourceLine to previous if continuation line
>>>		lcSourceLine=IIF(llLoop,lcSourceLine,'')+ALLTRIM(chrtran(laText[lnLoop],chr(9)+chr(10)+chr(13),""))
>>>		IF RIGHT(lcSourceLine,1)=';'
>>>			* statement split across multiple lines	
>>>			lcSourceLine = STUFF(lcSourceLine,LEN(lcSourceLine),1,' ') && remove continuation mark
>>>			llLoop = .T.
>>>			LOOP
>>>		ELSE
>>>			* Statement finishes on this line
>>>			llLoop = .F.
>>>		ENDIF
>>>		lcParse=''
>>>		do case
>>>			case left(lower(lcSourceLine),6)='store ' and ' to '$lower(lcSourceLine)
>>>				lcParse=substr(lcSourceLine,rat([ to ],lower(lcSourceLine))+4)
>>>			case  left(lower(lcSourceLine),10)='dimension '
>>>				lcParse=strtran(lcSourceLine,'dimension ','',1,1,3)
>>>				if [(]$lcParse
>>>					lcParse=left(lcParse,at('(',lcParse)-1)+'[1]'
>>>				else
>>>					if "["$lcParse
>>>						lcParse=left(lcParse,at('[',lcParse)-1)+'[1]'
>>>					endif
>>>				endif
>>>			case 'select '$lower(lcSourceLine) and ' into array '$lower(lcSourceLine)
>>>				lcParse=substr(lcSourceLine,rat(' into array ',lower(lcSourceLine))+12)
>>>				if lcInLineCommentString $ lcParse
>>>					lcParse=left(lcParse,at(lcInLineCommentString,lcParse))
>>>				endif
>>>				lcParse=lcParse+'[1]'
>>>			case lower(left(lcSourceLine,8))='scatter' and ' name '$lower(lcSourceLine)
>>>				lcParse=strextract(lcSourceLine,' name ',' ',1,1+2)
>>>			case lower(left(lcSourceLine,9))='for each '
>>>				lcParse=strextract(lcSourceLine,'for each ',' in ',1,3)
>>>			case lower(left(lcSourceLine,4))='for '
>>>				lcParse=strextract(lcSourceLine,'for ','=',1,3)
>>>			CASE LEFT(LOWER(lcSourceLine),8)='text to '
>>>				lcParse=GETWORDNUM(lcSourceLine,3)
>>>			case [=]$lcSourceLine
>>>				lcParse=getwordnum(lcSourceLine,1,"=")
>>>		endcase
>>>		if !empty(lcParse)
>>>			if lcInLineCommentString$lcParse
>>>				lcParse=left(lcParse,at(lcInLineCommentString,lcParse))
>>>			endif
>>>			lnWords=getwordcount(lcParse)
>>>			if lnWords=1 and !inlist(left(lcParse,1),"'",'"','*')
>>>				lcExpression=alltrim(substr(lcSourceLine,at("=",lcSourceLine)+1))
>>>				lcVar=getwordnum(lcParse,1)
>>>				if ascan(laResult,lcVar,-1,-1,-1,7)=0 and atc(".",lcVar)=0 and (atc("[",lcVar)=0 or left(lower(lcVar),2)='la') and (upper(left(lcVar,1))="L" or len(alltrim(lcVar))=1)
>>>					lcTmp=lcVar	&& Search for array declarations
>>>					if '['$lcTmp
>>>						lcTmp=alltrim(left(lcTmp,at('[',lcTmp)-1))
>>>					endif
>>>					if '('$lcTmp
>>>						lcTmp=alltrim(left(lcTmp,at('(',lcTmp)-1))
>>>					ENDIF
>>>					if !lower(alltrim(lcTmp)+',')$lower(alltrim(lcCurrentLocals)+',')
>>>						IF VARTYPE(laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)])='C'
>>>							DIMENSION laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)+1]
>>>						ENDIF 
>>>						laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)]=lcVar
>>>						LOCAL llCreateObject
>>>						if inlist(lower(left(lcExpression,9)),'newobject','createobj')
>>>							llCreateObject = (lower(left(lcExpression,9))=='createobj')
>>>							lcExpression=alltrim(strextract(lcExpression,[(]))
>>>							if right(lcExpression,1)=[)]
>>>								lcExpression=left(lcExpression,len(lcExpression)-1)
>>>							endif
>>>							lcObjType=getwordnum(lcExpression,1,[,])
>>>							lcObjClassLib=getwordnum(lcExpression,2,[,])
>>>							if empty(lcObjClassLib) OR llCreateObject
>>>								loObjTypes.add(lcObjType,lcVar)
>>>							else
>>>								loObjTypes.add(lcObjType+[ OF ]+lcObjClassLib,lcVar)
>>>							endif
>>>						endif
>>>					endif
>>>				endif
>>>			endif
>>>		ENDIF
>>>		*-- THM 08/31/2006 - Support for inline array functions.		
>>>		*Support for array functions - lines may contain more than one of these....
>>>		*-- RCE 01/23/2009 - respect Current Locals
>>>		LOCAL lcArrayParse, lcArrayLine, llContinue, lcArrayFunctions, lcLine, i
>>>		lcArrayFunctions='aclass,acopy,adatabases,adbobjects,adir,adel,adlls,adockstate,aelement,aerror,aevents,afields,afont,agetclass,agetfileversion,ains,ainstance,alanguage,alen,alines,amembers,amouseobj,anetresources,aprinters,aprocinfo,ascan,aselobj,asessions,asort,'+'asqlhandles,astackinfo,asubscript,ataginfo,aused,avcxclasses'
>>>		lcArrayParse=''
>>>		lcArrayLine=CHRTRAN(lcSourceLine,' ','')
>>>		if lcInLineCommentString$lcArrayLine
>>>			lcArrayLine=left(lcArrayLine,at(lcInLineCommentString,lcArrayLine))
>>>		ENDIF
>>>		FOR i = 1 TO GETWORDCOUNT(lcArrayFunctions,',')
>>>			lcArrayFunc=GETWORDNUM(lcArrayFunctions,i,',')
>>>			IF lcArrayFunc+'('$LOWER(lcArrayLine)
>>>				lcLine=SUBSTR(lcArrayLine,AT(lcArrayFunc+'(',LOWER(lcArrayLine)))
>>>				lcArrayName=STREXTRACT(lcLine,'(',IIF(AT(',',lcLine)=0 or AT(',',lcLine)>AT(')',lcLine),')',','))
>>>				IF !EMPTY(lcArrayName) AND !lower(alltrim(lcArrayName)+',')$lower(alltrim(lcCurrentLocals)+',')
>>>					IF VARTYPE(laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)])='C'
>>>						DIMENSION laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)+1]
>>>					ENDIF 
>>>					laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)]=lcArrayName+'[1]'
>>>				ENDIF 
>>>			ENDIF 
>>>		ENDFOR 
>>>		*-- THM 08/31/06 - Support for 'DO FORM' 
>>>		*-- RCE 01/23/09 - Support for WITH clause; respect Current Locals
>>>		if left(lower(lcSourceLine),8)='do form '
>>>			lcSourceLine=STRTRAN(lcSourceLine,[ noread],[],-1,-1,1)
>>>			lcSourceLine=STRTRAN(lcSourceLine,[ noshow],[],-1,-1,1)
>>>			IF ' to '$lower(lcSourceLine)
>>>				lcTmp=substr(lcSourceLine,rat([ to ],lower(lcSourceLine))+4)
>>>				if !lower(alltrim(lcTmp)+',')$lower(alltrim(lcCurrentLocals)+',')
>>>					IF VARTYPE(laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)])='C'
>>>						DIMENSION laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)+1]
>>>					ENDIF 
>>>					laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)]=lcTmp
>>>				ENDIF 
>>>			ENDIF
>>>			IF ' linked '$LOWER(lcSourceLine)
>>>				lcTmp=ALLTRIM(STREXTRACT(LOWER(lcSourceLine),' name ',' linked '))
>>>				if !lower(alltrim(lcTmp)+',')$lower(alltrim(lcCurrentLocals)+',')
>>>					IF VARTYPE(laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)])='C'
>>>						DIMENSION laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)+1]
>>>					ENDIF 
>>>					laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)]=SUBSTR(lcSourceLine,AT(LOWER(lcTmp),LOWER(lcSourceLine)),LEN(lcTmp))+IIF(llAsVersion6,'',[ AS Form])
>>>				ENDIF 
>>>			ENDIF 
>>>			IF ' with '$LOWER(lcSourceLine)
>>>				lcParse=ALLTRIM(STREXTRACT(lcSourceLine,[ with ],[ to ],1,1+2))
>>>				FOR i = 1 TO GETWORDCOUNT(lcParse,[,])
>>>					lcTmp=ALLTRIM(GETWORDNUM(lcParse,i,[,]))
>>>					IF ISALPHA(lcTmp) AND !lower(alltrim(lcTmp)+',')$lower(alltrim(lcCurrentLocals)+',') ;
>>>							AND LEFT(LOWER(lcTmp),1)='l' AND INLIST(SUBSTR(LOWER(lcTmp),2,1),'n','c','d','t','l','y','o','u','i')
>>>						IF VARTYPE(laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)])='C'
>>>							DIMENSION laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)+1]
>>>						ENDIF 
>>>						laResult[ALEN(laResult,1)]=lcTmp						
>>>					ENDIF
>>>				ENDFOR 
>>>			ENDIF
>>>		ENDIF 
>>>	if vartype(laResult[1])="C"
>>>		if llSorted
>>>			=asort(laResult,-1,-1,-1,1)
>>>		ENDIF
>>>		for lnLoop=1 to alen(laResult,1)
>>>			*-- RCE 01/23/09 - No duplicates
>>>			IF lnLoop>1 
>>>				lnDup = ASCAN(laResult,laResult[lnLoop],1,lnLoop-1,1,1+4)
>>>				IF lnDup > 0 AND LOWER(GETWORDNUM(laResult[lnLoop],1)) = LOWER(GETWORDNUM(laResult[lnDup],1))
>>>					LOOP
>>>				ENDIF
>>>			ENDIF 
>>>			IF "."$laResult[lnLoop]
>>>				* Properties
>>>				LOOP
>>>			ENDIF
>>>			lcVartype=upper(substr(laResult[lnLoop],2,1))
>>>			lcSuffix = ""
>>>			do case
>>>				CASE llAsVersion6			&& no AS clause is added
>>>				CASE [ AS ]$UPPER(laResult[lnLoop])	&& AS clause alredy present
>>>				case lcVartype="N"
>>>					lcSuffix = " AS Number"
>>>				case lcVartype="I"
>>>					lcSuffix = " AS Integer"
>>>				case lcVartype="O"
>>>					try
>>>						if empty(loObjTypes(laResult[lnLoop]))
>>>							lcSuffix = " AS Object"
>>>						else
>>>							lcSuffix = " AS "+loObjTypes(laResult[lnLoop])
>>>						endif
>>>					catch
>>>						lcSuffix = " AS Object"
>>>					endtry
>>>				case lcVartype="L"
>>>					lcSuffix = " AS Boolean"
>>>				case lcVartype="C"
>>>					lcSuffix = " AS String"
>>>				case lcVartype="U"
>>>					lcSuffix = " AS Variant"
>>>				case lcVartype="D"
>>>					lcSuffix = " AS Date"
>>>				case lcVartype="T"
>>>					lcSuffix = " AS DateTime"
>>>				case lcVartype="Y"
>>>					lcSuffix = " AS Currency"
>>>				otherwise
>>>					lcSuffix = ""
>>>			if lnLoop>1
>>>				lcResult=lcResult+", "
>>>			ENDIF
>>>			lcResult=lcResult+laResult[lnLoop]+lcSuffix
>>>		endfor
>>>	else
>>>		lcResult=""
>>>	endif
>>>	oFoxCode.valuetype="V"
>>>return lcResult
>>>RETURN lcCode
Greg Reichert

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