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3 day work week in Great Britain?
29/01/2009 05:14:24
28/01/2009 12:06:19
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>>>>>>>>"Here to accept the Herbert Hoover Award, allow me to introduce Marcia Akins...."
>>>>>>>>I was merely reporting the facts. You obviously think that over 5000 jobs available in the state of Ohio is not enough for someone who is only looking for one. Personally, I don't understand your logic.
>>>>>>>In December of 2008, the unemployment figure in Ohio was 465,000. So ok, lets see. The question is how to stuff 465,000 unemployed into 5,000+ jobs.
>>>>>>Whoops, an almost identical reply....
>>>>>>Have you decided about that jazz DVD series yet? Seriously, it's no problem. It has been sitting on a shelf collecting dust for several years.
>>>>>I actually havent' been thinking much about it lately. One of my cats (17 years old) has kidney failure. Instead of putting her down, I've opted for trying out the home regimen of vitamin, special food, and once a week subcutaneous fluid injections. I went for a demo on how to do it, and have been kind of stressing over her. As it turns out, she's doing well. Her blood readings have been improving and she's showing much more spunk.
>>>>>I'll tell you what. I'll send you a pm with my address and I'll pay for shipping. You let me know how much. I just hate the idea that something might go wrong in the shipping.
>>>>Will get to the PO by the end of the week and send off the DVDs. I'm not going to worry about the chance of damage in shipping. If I worried about things at that level I would never stop worrying ;-)
>>>>Sorry to hear about your cat, glad to hear she is on the rebound.
>>>>By subcutaneous fluid injections, do you mean insulin shots? Not too long ago I worked closely with a guy who had six cats. Well, more accurately, his wife had six cats and Tom lived there, too ;-) The youngest (and most sociable) of the cats had diabetes and Tom had to give her regular insulin shots. I asked him if it was tricky giving a shot to a cat and he said it's about what you'd expect. He called her WMEC -- world's most expensive cat. Lots of operations and vet visits, meds, special diet, etc. He joked once -- half joked, I think -- that he would have her put down if it wouldn't mean sleeping on the couch for the rest of his life.
>>>Sort of the same, but not really. Subcutaneous = "under the skin". It's more like an IV than a shot. I have a bag of Lactated Ringers and the tubes and needles. I stick the needle under her skin (nape of the neck) and open the roller to let the fluid flow. After 100 ml is done, I shut it off, take the needle out, and replace it with a new one for next time. She does get restless while it's going on - takes 4 or 5 minutes. I do know, however, about expensive. She was on an IV at the Vet's for 8 days to get rid of an infection she had at the same time as the kidney failure.
>>>Until just a couple of days ago, I also had to give her a quarter of a pepcid tablet for her stomach. The main problem was that a pepcid tablet is about a quarter the size of kernel of corn, and I had to quarter it.
>>>Currently I have 5 of the critters. The others are all males, but she's my little girl. I've had her since she was small enough to sleep in my hand.
>>Jeez, I hope you've had them all clipped.
>They are all neutered and have their shots, but I can't bring myself to having them declawed. They get their claws clipped when I take them to the vet, but it's not something I want to do myself (I'm scared of screwing up).

When I said "clipped" I wasn't referring to their claws :-)

I used to clip Fingers's nails (long job with so many), and he never liked it. It makes a weird crackling noise with the human nail clippers.

>But as they say, cats are nature's way of telling you that your furniture is too nice.
>>>I have to feed her separately from the others so she can't eat their food and they can't eat hers. One of them is a very recent acquire. Another homeless one I've kidnaped off the street. He has to live in the rec room in the basement when nobody's home and at night (I do need some sleep) because 2 of my other cats don't much care for him. One of them gets to howling if he gets too close. I'm hoping they get used to him soon.

Do the neighbours' kids throw stones at you when you shuffle down the street? :-)
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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