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Another trillion in debt - thanks Dems!
30/01/2009 15:52:45
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>>>I don't spend other people's way out of their debt. The fact that people, corporations, and the government were stupid or ignorant and destroyed themselves is not my responsibility.
>>>This country was founded on freedom. Freedom to be stupid/irresponsible/ignorant if you want. It does not mean that other people have to bail those people out.
>>>In the last few months the government has effectively thrown away more of my money than I have earned in the same time. I will have to pay that money back in increased taxes (yeah - lets see the 95% of the people get tax breaks) for many years. I will also be paying for the deadbeats/cheats/etc who will never pay anything (they'll get free money out of it - watch).
>>>So far, the government has no clue if or when this will do anything for the country, or what the result will be other than massively higher debt.
>>>So far, this country has hemorrhaged close to 2 trillion dollars w/o controls or plan in less than 3 months. We haven't bailed out the airlines, auto industry, insurance companies, construction industry, or any of the hundreds of industries that will have their hands out THIS SPRING.
>>>Democrats control all three branches of government. There is no way to stop it short of revolution (which I'm all for at this point).
>>>There is nothing good in this for the people who will have to pay for it.
>>With all due respect, you do not understand economics. Government deficit spending can indeed be the correct course of action. It's not the same as you or me trying to spend our way out of debt. Just look what happened in the 1940s. Despite everything FDR had tried in his 8 years in office, the economy was still in the doldrums. Then a wonderful thing happened: Pearl Harbor was bombed. Factories were suddenly going full tilt producing war materials. Unemployment dropped to 1 or 2%. We began a decades-long period of prosperity. (And just to show how grateful we were, we rebuilt Japan and Germany).
>I don't believe you just said that, but then again it is friday {g}
>If what you just said was not cynical, then is freaking scarry! The same way 9/11 busted US (and world) economy for quiet a while;
>I remember back in 2003-2005 people here stating 'everything is great' , 'Eveybody is making piles of money...' (while winning two consecutive wars along the way...)
>But then, here comes end of 2008...
>What started with Pearl Harbour (or arguably some 4000 years back) is a wishious cycle of destroying and then building up the same old dirty Babylon. I just wander what is going to 'save us' next time; Cataclismic events of biblical proportions ??
>How about hollywood style flood ? Hmm let see;
>... Prime quality real estate on Tibet or Mount Everest...
>...Beautifull views, Flood safe, 0% downpayment... Your safe way to the bright future by 'Noah Investments Ltd' ... {vbg}
>Dark humor aside;
>I just wander what would have happened if none of stimuluses were passed. Everybody who cooked the books / cheated got simpy arrested, everybody who was greedy or stupid enough went bankrupt, and then whatever reamained healthy business was simply alowed/helped to grow bigger and fill up the economic space. Would we be all that worse off ?

But that would allow the economy to work as designed, rather than artificially prolonging and rewarding incredibly bad personal, corporate, and government policies.

We wouldn't want that now would we??

Don't Tread on Me

Overthrow the federal government NOW!

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