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Four rockets? We will annihilate you!
02/02/2009 18:47:12
02/02/2009 09:15:15
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>>>>>>>>>>yes the rockets are terrorism and should be stopped but Israels response is appalling.
>>>>>>>>>This is what amazes me. I am all for a Palestinian state, but totally against indescriminate bombing. What would you have Israel do? Just lob dumb bombs indescriminantly into Gaza near schools and places when kids and families are coming and going? Just to keep it 'completely even?' That's ridiculous. Wars would last lifetimes as this one probably will.
>>>>>>>>No thats not whaht I'm saying.
>>>>>>>>I don't think the founders of Israel would be very proud of the way it behaves today. Israel has a clear choice how it uses very accurate weapons and it has chosen to inflict heavy civilian casualties to teach them a lesson. Probably the Hamas terrorists are largely untouched and will be back.
>>>>>>>I agree. They can go house to house and weed the bad guys out risking their life and those of the civilians that are willfully or forcefully inhabiting these homes. Either way Isrealis can't win in the eyes of the world, like you.
>>>>>>>BTW: North Korea is now beating their war drums too.
>>>>>>>Ok. prez. Obama your up to bat. Show us what you can do.
>>>>>>The Israelis can't win because they keep using the same old policies.
>>>>>>They could try getting all settlements out of the West Bank and opening up the borders of Gaza and the west bank to allow trade and some sort of economic revival there.
>>>>>It's so simple. You're a genius.
>>>>Yeah, businesses will really get booming when the suicide bombers start arriving...
>>>And your solution is ?
>>Maybe the "international community" that feels so qualified to criticize Israel for doing what it thinks is necessary for national survival could put some pressure on the Palestinians to renounce Hamas which currently is committing atrocities against Fatah loyalists in Gaza that would have any one of them applying for asylum at Gitmo or Abu Ghraib but which seems to get a pass from the passionate defenders of "human rights".
>>Or perhaps the UN could set a quota for the number of suicide bombers or missiles the Israelis should turn the other cheek for.
>>They ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore.
>Well a whole lot of Palestinians voted for Hamas and they must have had a reason for doing do. I would say one reason is that the way Israel treated Fatah (yes I know Arafat was an idiot) didn't make the Gazans feel they where best represented by them. the cynic in me would say that for reasons of its own Israel was quite happy to see Gaza and the West bank split politically and Fatah rendered weaker.

Yes, they did indeed vote for Hamas and therefore bear a great deal of responsibility for the continuing the uninterrupted kakistocracy that has ruined the lives of Palestinians for 50 years. Arafat wasn't an idiot - he was a corrupt, vicious thug who never put the interests of the Palestinian people ahead of his own self-agrandizement and greed. His persistence in power says more about the cultural breakdown in Palestinian society than it does about interaction with Israel. But compared to Hamas - which is completely dominated by ideologues who are used as political pawns by Takfiri zealots in other countries who would strap bomber belts to every Palestinian if they could - the current incarnation of Fatah are Swedish social democrats.

I disagree that Israel prefers this fractured state of Palestinian "authority" . It is like trying to 'make peace' with Somalia. They know that as long as Hamas undermines Fatah there is no hope for a solution.

And the sheer craziness and death wish of the Palestian political mind is now completely apparent. This latest 'intifada' is going to make Netanyahu PM very soon. He has not a drop of ambivalence about how far he is willing to go. I don't think that is going to be good for peace or for Palestine, but it may be what will finally be the tipping point in Palestinians realizing that attempting to threaten Israel's survival - even in bombastic Arab rhetoric -is absolutely the worst thing they can do to get what they want.

A Gandhi in Palestine in 1948 would have had American Jews sending money to build a Palestinian state by 1950. The Palestinian people deserve better leaders than they have ever had.

Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

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