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Bug in RETURN TO ... (revisited)
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Visual FoxPro
Bug in RETURN TO ... (revisited)
Environment versions
Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
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Almost 7 years since I posted MESSAGE# 620507 about this problem, I'm posting it again with some clarification, since it appears to be a bug with broader ramifications than I had originally thought. I suspect that this applies to newer versions of VFP, but I'm not sure, so please let me know. In any case, I'm interested in solving this under VFP 6 SP5.

The issue is that the RETURN TO ... statement, when used to return from an Error event, sometimes returns the wrong value. This turns out to happen in a variety of cases, some of which are illustrated in the following sample program. Previously I had identified one particular case, when a "File does not exist" error occurs on a call to filetostr(). Since then, I've seen this problem in other cases, so I don't think it has to do with filetostr in particular. For example, you can see that it also applies to "Variable not found" errors by uncommenting that test line in this program, and commenting out the filetostr test line. I've seen the problem in other cases too, but there is no such problem for many other types of errors.

I realize that this form of RETURN is a somewhat unusual construct, but it is useful in the context of general purpose error handling. (See MESSAGE# 620313 for more about that.) What I am looking for is some way to reliably return a value of .F. from an Error event to a specified stack level, which is the purpose of the RETURN TO ... statement. I don't want to return the default value of .T., so I need to specify an explicit return value of .F. I've already worked out how to get around the VFP bug that prevents returning a literal .F. via RETURN TO ..., but this solution doesn't work in some cases, because there is yet another VFP bug in the way. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Here is the test program:
function bug2b2
* By M. Asherman, 2/2/09
* I posted a similar version of this test program to UT Thread 620507 on 2/15/2002.
* (Also see related thread UT Thread 620089 of 2/14/2002.)
* This program demonstrates an apparent bug in VFP6 SP5, which may also apply to later versions.
* In some cases, using RETURN TO ... to return a result from an Error event yields the wrong value.
* For example, this program demonstrates such erroneous results for some
* "File does not exist" or "Variable not found" errors.
* This bug makes it difficult to handle unexpected errors cleanly.
* To see the problem, copy this program to a file named bug2b2.prg, and run it from VFP
* with a command line such as this: ?  bug2b2("any old file.txt").
* Compare the outcomes for the 3 sample actions in PROCEDURE openpath.
* Each of those actions triggers an "unexpected" error, but only one of those cases
* is handled correctly.  The mis-handled cases lead to an additional error, because
* the return value from the Error event is not the expected Logical value (.F.).
* The erroneous Error return value (produced by the RETURN TO ... statement) 
* is the character string argument that was passed to the method in which the error occurred, 
* instead of being .F., as it always should be.

lparameters filenm_arg
* filenm_arg:			path spec. of initial file to open and display in this control.
*				Path may be relative or absolute.

* cleanup from prior test, if necessary
if vartype(_screen.bug2) = 'O'
	_screen.removeobject('bug2')	&& discard previous _screen.bug2 object

* launch editbox with given file's contents as member _screen.bug2 
_screen.newobject('bug2', 'bug2editbox', '', '', m.filenm_arg)
if vartype(_screen.bug2) = 'O'
	_screen.bug2.visible = .t.	&& make editbox with file contents visible
	return .t.			&& success
return .f.				&& failure

DEFINE CLASS bug2editbox AS editbox

	Height = 172
	Width = 336
	Name = "bug2editbox"

	PROCEDURE openpath
		* takes 1 optional arg.
		lparameters filenm_arg

		* peform file opening logic (compare behavior of each of the following 3 lines)
		this.value = filetostr(m.filenm_arg)	&& if file does not exist -> flaky error handling!
*		this.value = hahah()	&& file does not exist error is handled correctly in this case
*		this.value = xyz	&& variable not found -> flaky error handling for this case, too!
		return .t.		&& success (we don't want to execute this line if preceding step failed)

		lparameters filenm_arg	&& takes 1 optional argument

		local success

		success = .t.
		if not empty(m.filenm_arg)	&& file name was supplied
			success = this.openpath(m.filenm_arg)	&& this method handles control-specific logic
			* display diagnostic info, demonstrating flaky return from error cases
			wait window 'vartype(m.success) = ' + vartype(m.success) ;
			  + chr(13) + "Success = " + transform(m.success)
			if not m.success	&& this test will bomb if value is not Logical
				return .f.	&& fail - prevent instantiation
		return m.success		&& success - allow this object to be created

		LPARAMETERS nError, cMethod, nLine

		local retval
		retval = .f.

		* display details about the error that was triggered
		messagebox("Error # " + ltrim(str(m.nerror)) ;
		  + ", method = " + m.cMethod ;
		  + ", line # " + ltrim(str(m.nLine)) ;
		  + chr(13) + "Message() = " + Message() ;
		  + chr(13) + "Message(1) = " + Message(1) ;
		  + chr(13) + "SYS(2018) = " + SYS(2018))

		* use RETURN TO ... to avoid allowing the method that encountered error to continue
		return to init m.retval		&& this produces flaky result after some types of errors
*		return m.retval		&& this would return to openpath, despite unexpected error

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