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Jobs lost in recessions
09/02/2009 21:37:06
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>>>I watched a Japanese economist on one of the talk shows (can't recall which one) and he was strongly advising against what our country is getting ready to do now. He recommended learning from Japan's mistakes.
>>Also, this stimulus package reminds me very much of what the Soviet Union did throughout the years of the communists/socialists being in power. They were creating huge government projects of building railroads, bridges, schools, and so on. And the result was millions of useless and unmotivated and poor quality jobs. The government created what was referred to (not openly, of course) as "hidden" unemployment. That is, there were three jobs where in fact only one was necessary. So the two out of three people would pretend doing the work. Or sometimes openly loitering. And when the 3rd person would realize it, he/she would stop working too. So in the end, with three people assigned to do the work, nothing was done. Or the quality was horrible. And the mentality was very simple: it all belongs to the government so why should I care. In the end, all the "reconstruction" of the Soviet Union was a total failure. To this day Russia suffers from the remnants of this mentality: government should take care of us.
>>I am concerned that Obama's government is moving into the same direction, ignoring lessons of the history.
>The next question is: who will get hired for all these construction jobs? Will they be contract jobs that get bid on by commercial enterprises? Who do contractors hire now? Illegal immigrants.

Good question. My guess is that it will be a combination of existing government workers, outside (commercial) companies, and illegal immigrants. The other question is, once they finish these projects (if they ever finish them), will they say, "you got us hooked on these government projects, we have no other skills, give us more work/money". This, IMO, will create a mindset that no matter how bad things are, government always can print more (or tax more) and we will have jobs. Jobs that will be more burden for the rest of us.
"The creative process is nothing but a series of crises." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too." W.Somerset Maugham

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