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General MM .NET question
27/02/2009 13:01:08
26/02/2009 10:40:04
Timothy Bryan
Sharpline Consultants
Conroe, Texas, United States
General information
The Mere Mortals .NET Framework
Environment versions
C# 3.0
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2003 Server
MS SQL Server
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Thanks for giving me hope that what I need is probably possible with some work. First I have started trying to understand how the framework is currently handling things when I attempt to move away from a changed record. If I can understand how it currently handles this, I may have a chance to override the behavior without causing other serious problems.

Unfortunately the first behavior I checked out appears to have a bug in the existing code. Would you or someone else be so good as to run a quick test to see if you see the same unexpected behavior I am seeing. I have an mmDataGridView on an mmMaintenanceForm with a properties page for editing the records displayed in the grid. The grid is identified as the form's navigation control and I am using a navigation toolbar on the form also. I retrieve several records from the backend database and they all appear in the grid as expected and the navigation toolbar buttons work correctly to move among the records I retrieved. If I edit one of the records and navigate away from that record by clicking a button on the navigation toolbar, I am asked if I want to save the changes as expected. But if I edit one of the records and navigate away from that record by selecting another record in the grid by clicking on that row in the grid, I am not asked if I want to save the changes. Certainly that is not the way it is supposed to work.

Am I misunderstanding the problem?


>Hi Sam,
>I am absolutely convinced I can do precisely what you are needing if I needed to. The framework is very flexible in that most of the behavior is overridable. There are some properties that provide flexibility and other times you have to simply override the behavior to do it. If I get the time required, I can do a little test to see how easily I can create what you are trying to do, but for today at least I am pretty tied up.
>I will see if I can squeeze some time in to do a few tests and come up with an idea or two.
>>Thanks for taking the time to explain about MM for VFP. I think what you have described is precisely what I am looking for. Using your conceptual ideas, I think the biggest problem with MM .NET is trying to navigate in the grid (or by clicking navigation buttons). Presently navigating away from an edited record triggers the "Save Changes?" dialog with the only real choices being to update the backend database or to abandon the changes on the edited record. I think the DataSet and DataTable structure and the existing business objects behavior would work okay with only minor changes.
>>Now the challenge is to convince Kevin that this functionality is important enough that Oakleaf will make the changes for us.

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