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06/03/2009 08:19:40
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>>>>>>#define here "Netflix, not TV"
>>>>>>Which I do (or sometimes just turn off the subtitles and enjoy the language).
>>>>>Movie theaters, DVD rental, cable.
>>>>No, except, like I said, Netflix. The cinemas (sorry, but I still expect to see actors and the curtain in a theatre) suffer from the same shortsightedness, only slightly less.
>>>>>Back to your point, why is it so surprising that the TV channels in a predominantly English speaking country predominantly air programs in English?
>>>>It was definitely not the point, but I'll recap: there are probably about twenty countries where English is either the only or one of official languages; all of them have televisions (though, you'd never know, would you?). None of that is shown here, EXCEPT UK. Clear? That was my question, why only UK?
>>>>And, BTW, most of the world watches a lot of footage made in a foreign language. Are they smarter, suffering, uninformed, delusional, misguided, what?
>>>Unfortunately, most Americans' early experiences with subtitling (I'm talking late 60's - mid 70's) were Hong Kong Action or "Artsy" European. Given the quality of film that most of these were on, subtitles were VERY difficult to read, so Americans tended to stay away from them in droves. This lead the movie making world to decide that Americans didn't like subtitles and so we had voice-dubbing (hate-shiver).
>>>Personally, I prefer subtitles - I have a problem when the words that are coming out of the actors mouths don't agree with the movements of the mouth and completely lose any type of "suspension of belief' required for many of the 'fantastical' settings of some of the movies I like.
>>Hate to disagree, but it's the 'wonderful' dubbing that makes those Chinese Kung-Fu movies great! Well, that and the sound effects.
>One of my party pieces is doing those - moving the lips 90 to the dozen, for c. 10 seconds and just saying, eg "What? You don't say so?"

One of my favourites was hearing a skinny little Chinese gang leader tell another gang leader (in a southwestern US accent) that he'd better leave town, "I reckon".

What makes it even better is that the producers seem to scour the world for the worst vocal actors they can find regardless of whatever accent they might have. You gotta love that stuff.

And I love the way they discuss their various techniques while they're fighting to the death. "Ah, the crain! I'll have to use the snake."

>>>Plus, I think some of the emotional input from the actors gets lost on over-dubbing.
>>>Now, as for the 'why only UK', I can't answer that - except maybe the Brits sell the re-broadcast rights to their shows a lot cheaper than anyone else? Well, that and the fact that most Americans don't want to work that hard for their mindless entertainment
>>>>>Was it different back in the paradise that was Yugoslavia, shows in every language of the world on the television?
>>>>Not that rich. Just about twenty languages that I can remember.

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