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Wall Street Journal OP Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the
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>>>>>It's hard not to see the continued sell-off on Wall Street and the growing fear on Main Street as a product, at least in part, of the realization that our new president's policies are designed to radically re-engineer the market-based U.S. economy, not just mitigate the recession and financial crisis.
>>>>>Martin KozlowskiThe illusion that Barack Obama will lead from the economic center has quickly come to an end. Instead of combining the best policies of past Democratic presidents -- John Kennedy on taxes, Bill Clinton on welfare reform and a balanced budget, for instance -- President Obama is returning to Jimmy Carter's higher taxes and Mr. Clinton's draconian defense drawdown.
>>>>>Mr. Obama's $3.6 trillion budget blueprint, by his own admission, redefines the role of government in our economy and society. The budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, adding more to the debt than all previous presidents -- from George Washington to George W. Bush -- combined. It reduces defense spending to a level not sustained since the dangerous days before World War II, while increasing nondefense spending (relative to GDP) to the highest level in U.S. history.

>>>>>On the growth effects of a large expansion of government, the European social welfare states present a window on our potential future: standards of living permanently 30% lower than ours. Rounding off perceived rough edges of our economic system may well be called for, but a major, perhaps irreversible, step toward a European-style social welfare state with its concomitant long-run economic stagnation is not.
>>>>>Where is the supporting evidence for the standards of living statement? Everything I've read shows EU standards of living above ours.
>>>>Democrats voted to destroy this country.
>>>>Good job.
>>>Democrats, independents, and even a few Republicans. I know you're itching to declare him a failure but give it a little time, will you? We could bring Washington and Lincoln back from the dead and they wouldn't be able to clean up the mess we are in this quickly.
>>>You are reminding me a little of Rush Limbaugh, openly wanting Obama to fail. What sense does that make?! Talk about biting off your nose to spite your face.
>>Each day he throws more billions of $$ (in good form he manages trillions) away and weakens the country further. This country likely won't survive the incredible damage HE is doing.
>>Things were in a mess when he got in.
>>He has turned that into catastrophe, and he's only been in for 2 months.
>>He's already failed (that is far too nice a way to put it).
>>He needs to be removed. Now.
>And how do you propose that be done ?

Legally if possible (impeachment/treason charges/etc).

If it can't be done legally, then overthrow him.

Don't Tread on Me

Overthrow the federal government NOW!

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