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Wall Street Journal OP Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the
06/03/2009 11:02:19
06/03/2009 10:46:38
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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Ok, several analogies went through me head, from avalanches to surfing, but the point I'm going for is; sometimes the ONLY thing you can do is ride it out and do your damnedest to slow it and/or soften the sudden stop at the end.

My other point is, so many things went wrong that there is no ONE solution to this, but egos being what they are, there will be people who think if the 'gumment' is doing exactly what they want them to do, well - it'll fail...no wait...it's making it WORSE! Yeah...that's it! WORSE!!!!!!! And then they go out of their way to try to make it so. That whole self-fullfilling prophecy thing.

They're not doing what *I* think they should do!!
Everyone do THIS!!!!! (which may exacerbate the problem)
SEE!!!! I was RIGHT!!!!!! (when everyone follow their directions and the problem gets worse)

>It's not stopping the slide... it's the participation in the slide.
>>And I would put forth that it doesn't matter who was elected as far as this mess goes. I seriously doubt that there is one person in the universe who could have stopped this slide in 6 weeks.
>>But if you can find a better place to weather this storm, please go there.
>>>>>Democrats voted to destroy this country.
>>>>>Good job.
>>>>Democrats, independents, and even a few Republicans. I know you're itching to declare him a failure but give it a little time, will you? We could bring Washington and Lincoln back from the dead and they wouldn't be able to clean up the mess we are in this quickly.
>>>>You are reminding me a little of Rush Limbaugh, openly wanting Obama to fail. What sense does that make?! Talk about biting off your nose to spite your face.
>>>Each day he throws more billions of $$ (in good form he manages trillions) away and weakens the country further. This country likely won't survive the incredible damage HE is doing.
>>>Things were in a mess when he got in.
>>>He has turned that into catastrophe, and he's only been in for 2 months.
>>>He's already failed (that is far too nice a way to put it).
>>>He needs to be removed. Now.
"You don't manage people. You manage things - people you lead" Adm. Grace Hopper
Pflugerville, between a Rock and a Weird Place

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