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Wall Street Journal OP Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the
06/03/2009 11:41:59
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And the Republicans didn't see fit to 'correct' this because Big Business (their bestest buddies) were making metric f*cktons of money from it all, so please either quit throwing the stones unless you're willing to throw stones both directions.

>>Very simply put (as I'm understanding it), a lot of the problem at this time is that there isn't enough money circulating. People aren't purchasing in the volumes that they had been, companies are laying off production to stop stockpiling stock (very expensive to do), etc etc. In other words, the great money engine has stalled out. By putting money back into circulation the hope is to 're-start' the engine. Much like a pilot will put his aircraft into a slight dive trying to get the engine turbines spinning before he tries an in-air restart.
>People aren't purchasing because it has been pointed out that their investments are worth the paper(less) thay are printed on.
>People aren't purchasing because they noticed they couldn't afford to buy the house they committed to buy (that the democratic congress decided they had the right to buy anyway back in the late 1990's).
>People aren't purchasing because the banks are broke.
>People aren't purchasing because they realize they are going to have to pay for the financial stupidity of the peope who who made stupid investments.
>Lets spend more money. Yeah - that's the democratic way.
>>>How exactly is throwing a crapload of money at it riding it out?
>>>>Ok, several analogies went through me head, from avalanches to surfing, but the point I'm going for is; sometimes the ONLY thing you can do is ride it out and do your damnedest to slow it and/or soften the sudden stop at the end.
>>>>My other point is, so many things went wrong that there is no ONE solution to this, but egos being what they are, there will be people who think if the 'gumment' is doing exactly what they want them to do, well - it'll fail...no wait...it's making it WORSE! Yeah...that's it! WORSE!!!!!!! And then they go out of their way to try to make it so. That whole self-fullfilling prophecy thing.
>>>>They're not doing what *I* think they should do!!
>>>>Everyone do THIS!!!!! (which may exacerbate the problem)
>>>>SEE!!!! I was RIGHT!!!!!! (when everyone follow their directions and the problem gets worse)
"You don't manage people. You manage things - people you lead" Adm. Grace Hopper
Pflugerville, between a Rock and a Weird Place

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