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Wall Street Journal OP Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the
11/03/2009 17:40:15
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>>>And how is this related to calling Obama a socialist. Is he advocating nationalisation of any industry (apart from the collapsing ones).
>>>Is a massive tax increase for high earners taking place ?
>>The major banks are effectively nationalized. The Treasury forced most lending institutions to accept TARP money regardless of need and now the congressionally mandated conditions are starting to rear their ugly head. While I believe companies like Citi have no say since they begged for the money, many others were force-fed the cash by the federal government. Now they too must abide by the whims of a hypocritically puffed-up congress.
>In the context of Nicholas' question, you imply that the Obama administration force-fed cash to the banks. However, most of the force-feeding was actually done by those famous socialists Bush/Paulson.

I have no love for W's socialist agenda, see Medicare part D and No-Child-Left-Behind. I also don't leave out Bernake, Geitner, Pelosi, Reed, Frank, Dodd, etc

>>In addition he is advocating an overhaul of the health industry and while many may look to the televised-come-together meetings and see great promise, I look to the already enacted legislation passed in the unread stimulus bill which sets up a central database of all our medical treatments which will be tracked and examined for best-practices by the newly created National Coordinator of Health Information Technology. This new bureaucracy will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor does what they deem appropriate and cost effective. Furthermore, in order to deter doctors from operating outside the electronically delivered protocols the bill creates the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research. Currently medicare pays for treatments deemed safe and effective but the stimulus bill has applied a cost- effectiveness standard set by the Federal Council.
>>Either he's a socialist or he's freely allowing the socialists in Congress to run roughshod over him. Either way, we lose.
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