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Well, so much to say... ( preface this is not intended for all who live elsewhere just those that like to throw rocks )

Maybe one can explain if our country is thought of as so bad why do people come here in droves to make their lives and fortunes and escape oppression? Can one explain how the systems of Europe and Asia are so much better than ours that people wait in lines to immigrate here? How's that health care system working out in Britain and Canada, what's your tax rate? Why do people leave an area that is stagnate and come here only to try and make this place just like the place the ran from? If it was so great there why did they leave?

Maybe if we had not been so generous over the last 75 years or so with our money and giving away free educations, welfare, security, and stipends to other nations we'd be better off here. Maybe if those people stayed in their countries and pursued an education and worked as hard to change their countries the world would be a better place. I cannot seem to recall people complaining about the US image from 1914-1918, 1941-1945, all during the cold war when Russia could have run through Europe like a fart in the wind, or during the economic booms of the late 80's and late 90's when the world was getting rich. It is only now when it is chic to trash a very honorable man who in time will prove to be a more effective ( albeit not perfect ) president compared to the two gentlemen you think are so much better. They are so popular in Europe because they mirror the social/moral/fiscal misfit policies of that failing system. The one good think about our new president is that maybe while he fiddles and we burn many folks will return to their native lands where things are "so much better" and relieve us of taking care of them.

Just a note, the president ( US government for that fact ) have very little direct control over the markets. They can pass laws that hurt the economy, like they are now, but they can do very little to help it good or bad outside massive restrictions or tariffs. Giving money away will end the end only delay the inevitable.

Whether you like Obama ( or not ) or any other president is irrelevant, maybe practice what you all preach. You don't like our interference in matters outside our country then start by refusing our money and security. You want to jump on the global warming/green movement then start by cleaning up the last 100 years of industrial waste scattered all through Europe and see how well your industries work under such stringent rules. You want to complain about our financial system then make yours stronger and be the leaders...

Like I said so much to say... Those that wish to disparage this country that has done nothing but try and spread freedom and prosperity around to countries who don't have it may now circle your wagons, or maybe a simple thank you while you write a check will be suffice.

For those who agree I salute you, for those who don't I pray for you.

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