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Still drunk
03/04/2009 09:46:07
03/04/2009 09:36:19
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>I have been fighting alcoholism hard and still haven't beaten it. Not asking for sympathy because I don't think I deserve much. Well, maybe I am. I know I am a good guy with lots of good things going for me, including two daughters who are way better than I deserve. I go to AA almost every day. I want to quit. Yet here I still am. It's mystifying.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Good night. At least I have enough sense left to go to bed sometimes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>I know you're a divorced man. Maybe it makes harder with alone. However a relative of mine becomes drunk at the morning having wife and children.
>>>>>>>>>>>I am thankful my daughters live with me. Alone is much worse for me, in fact that's usually when the binges happen.
>>>>>>>>>>I understand you. I have a problem with eating. I was 107kg and I'm now 99kg. It's really hard to eat less. Expecially deserts... I cannot hold mine. I say myself "I'll begin diet tomorrow, not today. Today not a good day for diet". It's really really hard. I was 66kg before years ago. How happened that, I can' t believe in me... I'm sure alcohol is so harder.
>>>>>>>>Actually it's 80% diet, 20% exercise.
>>>>>>>It's bad planning. We're just built wrong. If I eat say, 4 cookies and that puts 2 pounds on me, then I should be able to lose the 2 pounds by thinking about eating 4 cookies but then refusing to eat them.
>>>>>>Are your cookies the size of a dinner plate ?
>>>>>Just a what if example.
>>>>>I was talking to a dietician Monday morning and she was surprisingly realistic. Anyway, knowing that I like meat and carbs, she said that the idea is to quarter your dinner plate. One quarter for meat, one quarter for carbs, and the other half for veggies. I said to her, "So what you're really telling me is that I need to buy bigger plates?"
>>>>I've alos heard that you should eat regularly. If you skip meals as a way of "losing weight" you body goes into starvation mode and starts hanging onto everything you eat and laying down fat.
>>>I had pretty good success with the South Beach Diet a few years ago. That was one of the principles. Following the suggested eating schedules, it almost seemed like too much food. Three meals a day plus mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. The idea was to fill you up on vegetables (especially) and other healthy, but not necessarily bland, food like fish and chicken so you didn't have as many cravings for the old double cheeseburger and fries. Few if any carbs and little if any sugar, which were the two things that probably kept me from sticking with it. The list of verboten foods practically looked like my grocery list, including some things I had not thought of as unhealthy or fattening (orange juice, cereal, pasta).
>>Yes, it never occurred to me that fruit juices would be an issue. She said drink less juice and eat the actual fruit instead.
>Are fruit juices that are 100% fruit juice also bad? I was under the impression that they were good. We're having a weight loss competition at work right now and last week I was in 3rd place ($150 prize) with a total of 15 pounds lost in 3 weeks. This past week I had kind of a bad week and only lost 2 pounds and dropped down out of the prize money range. I don't think I've ever been so disappointed about losing 2 pounds. I can't wait until 2 more weeks when this is over because I've been craving pizza badly.

The problem with juices is that they concentrate the juice of many of whatever the fruit happens to be, so they contain a lot of calories in the form of sugar. Plus they don't contain the fibre that you get by eating the fruit itself.

After she told me that, I bothered for the first time to read the nutrition strip on the side of the bottle. Yes, lots of calories. And remember too that they only tell you the amount for 1 cup. Do you drink 1 cup worth, or do you, as I do, use a mug which is a lot more than a lousy 8 ounces.

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