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Graphics Transformation Problem
09/04/2009 04:34:59
06/04/2009 14:51:30
Information générale
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
Versions des environnements
C# 3.0
Thread ID:
Message ID:
>>>Don't know if I can describe this well enough but:
>>>I have a Geometry which defines a shape (in the non-WPF meaning of the word). As an example assume it looks like a + sign.
>>>I use this as the Data property for a Path control.
>>>I add the Path to a Canvas and use the Path.RenderTransform to rotate it through 45 degrees (so that is appears on the Canvas more like an x shape)
>>>Now I want to create a new Path from this Path that gives the same appearance - but without using a Transform......
>>>(Well, not quite true: I could use a Transform - but the bounds of the new Path need to be relative to the Canvas)
>>>The above is a simple example - the actual solution will need to work with Paths using more complex Transforms
>>>Any suggestions?
>Don't know if this will help much, but here's an example of doing something similar in XAML:
>What I do is transform a DrawingGroup instead of transforming the geometry.
<ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:x="">
>  <!-- 
>	DrawingGroup
>	  DrawingGroup.Children
>		  GeometryDrawing
>  ***Takes Geometry as a value			
>	DoubleAnimationUsingPath.PathGeometry 
>  DrawingGroup.ClipGeometry 
>  GeometryDrawing.Geometry 
>  Path.Data 
>  UIElement.Clip 
>	-->
>  <SolidColorBrush x:Key="ContactsShirtBrush"      Color="#ffffffff" />
>  <SolidColorBrush x:Key="ContactsJacketBrush"     Color="#ff357cff" />
>  <LinearGradientBrush x:Key="ContactsHeadBrush" MappingMode="Absolute" StartPoint="287.208984,225.969238" EndPoint="287.208984,235.292969">
>    <LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops>
>      <GradientStop Offset="0.000000" Color="#ffe3bb95"/>
>      <GradientStop Offset="0.209040" Color="#ffe7a976"/>
>      <GradientStop Offset="1.000000" Color="#ffea9657"/>
>    </LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops>
>    <LinearGradientBrush.Transform>
>      <MatrixTransform Matrix="1.000000,0.000000,-0.000000,-1.000000,-279.500000,236.500000" />
>    </LinearGradientBrush.Transform>
>  </LinearGradientBrush>
>  <Pen x:Key="ContactsBodyPen" DashCap="Flat" Thickness="0.554446" Brush="#ff1e5995" MiterLimit="1.000000" />
>  <Pen x:Key="ContactsHeadPen" DashCap="Flat" Thickness="0.362068" Brush="#ffd49657" MiterLimit="1.000000" />
>  <PathGeometry x:Key="ContactsShirtPath"        Figures="M 10.473633,15.442383 L 5.522461,15.442383 L 5.522461,9.950195 L 10.473633,9.950195 L 10.473633,15.442383 Z" />
>  <PathGeometry x:Key="ContactsHeadPath"         Figures="M 12.371094,5.868652 C 12.371094,8.443359 10.284180,10.530762 7.709961,10.530762 C 5.134766,10.530762 3.047852,8.443359 3.047852,5.868652 C 3.047852,3.293945 5.134766,1.207031 7.709961,1.207031 C 10.284180,1.207031 12.371094,3.293945 12.371094,5.868652 Z" />
>  <PathGeometry x:Key="ContactsLeftSholderPath"  Figures="M 3.160156,10.143555 C 7.221680,9.195801 5.445313,10.221191 6.295898,13.470215 L 7.214844,15.182129 L 0.414063,15.191406 L 0.433594,14.739746 C 0.333984,11.473145 1.806641,10.459473 3.160156,10.143555 Z" />
>  <PathGeometry x:Key="ContactsRightSholderPath" Figures="M 12.794922,10.143555 C 8.733398,9.195801 10.628906,10.221191 9.777344,13.470215 L 8.607422,15.182129 L 15.541016,15.191406 L 15.521484,14.739746 C 15.621094,11.473145 14.148438,10.459473 12.794922,10.143555 Z" />
>  <DrawingCollection x:Key="dwgContactPaths">
>    <GeometryDrawing Geometry="{StaticResource ContactsShirtPath}" 
>		                 Brush="{StaticResource ContactsShirtBrush}" />
>    <GeometryDrawing Geometry="{StaticResource ContactsHeadPath}" 
>			               Pen="{StaticResource ContactsHeadPen}"  
>		                 Brush="{StaticResource ContactsHeadBrush}" />
>    <GeometryDrawing Geometry="{StaticResource ContactsLeftSholderPath}" 
>			               Pen="{StaticResource ContactsBodyPen}"  
>		                 Brush="{StaticResource ContactsJacketBrush}" />
>    <GeometryDrawing Geometry="{StaticResource ContactsRightSholderPath}" 
>	                   Pen="{StaticResource ContactsBodyPen}"  
>		                 Brush="{StaticResource ContactsJacketBrush}" />
>  </DrawingCollection>
>  <DrawingGroup x:Key="dwgContact"    Children="{StaticResource dwgContactPaths}" />
>  <DrawingBrush x:Key="vbrushContact" Drawing="{StaticResource dwgContact}" />
>  <DrawingImage x:Key="vimgContact"   Drawing="{StaticResource dwgContact}" />
>  <DrawingGroup x:Key="dwgContacts">
>    <DrawingGroup Children="{StaticResource dwgContactPaths}" >
>      <DrawingGroup.Transform>
>        <TransformGroup>
>          <ScaleTransform ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5" />
>        </TransformGroup>			  
>      </DrawingGroup.Transform>
>    </DrawingGroup>
>    <DrawingGroup Children="{StaticResource dwgContactPaths}">
>      <DrawingGroup.Transform>
>        <TransformGroup>
>          <ScaleTransform ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5" />
>          <TranslateTransform  X="4" Y="3" />
>        </TransformGroup>			  
>      </DrawingGroup.Transform>
>    </DrawingGroup>
>  </DrawingGroup>
>  <DrawingImage x:Key="vimgContacts"   Drawing="{StaticResource dwgContacts}" />
>  <DrawingBrush x:Key="vbrushContacts" Drawing="{StaticResource dwgContacts}" />
<Image Margin="2,0,0,0" 
>           Name="image1" 
>           Grid.Column="0"
>           Stretch="Fill" 
>           HorizontalAlignment="Left" 
>           Width="16"  
>           Height="16" 
>           VerticalAlignment="Center" 
>           Source="{StaticResource vimgContacts}" />
Thanks for the code. You're right - it didn't help much for the case in question but gave me a few ideas for something else I needed!
The code I posted solved my problem - basically adding the Transform of the Path to the content Geometry and removing it from the Path. Then I can use the change in bounds for the Path to calculate a compensating size and position so that the final appearance is identical. Maybe there's a simpler way - but I haven't found one....

BTW, completely off topic : Do you use Snoop? I find it very useful for digging into visual trees at runtime.....


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