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12/05/2009 16:10:32
12/05/2009 12:17:32
Dragan Nedeljkovich (En ligne)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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Visual FoxPro
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I like that, about invading Belgium. But we wouldn't invade: we would liberate, from soft-hearted, terrorist-leaning pinko's who don't even do their share of energy usage. They use 1/3 less energy, perhaps less, than right-thinking Americans. How can we keep the price of oil up if they aren't going to do their part! Not only that, they're against coal, the real American power source. We'll be doing them a favor by liberating them. The Silent Majority of Belgians will welcome us with open arms, you'll see.

So long as we don't interrupt the Belgian chocolate and beer-making facilities. Even the Dutch (at least the ones in Weert, near the Belgian border) favor Belgian chocolates over any others, and having been forced into trying them, I would have to agree. Godiva is just another chocolate compared to what I ate. As for the beer ... well, I'm not nearly the experienced taster that the Dutch are when it comes to beer. The second-ranked Dutch beer (Leow at the time) is so good, I have trouble distinguishing anything better. <s>

But if we were to invade, er, liberate Belgium, we could charge them for liberation, with payment in chocolates and beer: I think I'm coming around to The American Way of thinking about this Belgian invxxx liberation. Any country that takes care of its poor and educates all its citizens, and even provides healthcare for everyone, has got to be subversive.

While we are conquering subversion, we really ought to ban the New Testament, which tells us to do all these soft-hearted, left-leaning, America-destroying activities. Feed the poor? That will only encourage them to avoid work and make more babies. Guarantee a living wage? That will only take away their incentive to work harder for a better job. Health Care? Give them that, and they won't have a real reason to work: no work, no insurance, and pretty soon they're dead and we aren't being dragged down by them.

Welcome immigrants? They're different from us and make people feel afraid. Speaking of which, every state should have a law like Florida's, where if you "feel threatened" while in your home, you have a right to shoot the person making you feel threatened. Besides, the only reason they come over here to is leach off our welfare system, which we ought to just get rid of anyway: it doesn't help drill for oil or make SUV's, so what good is it?

I think I'm getting the hang of this America First thing. After Belgium, we really ought to liberate the The Netherlands. Rename it Holland, to heck with the Johannus-come-lately's who keep insisting they aren't Holland. They should learn their place. Why, they have concerts like Sensation White where there are 30,000 young people drinking beer all night, until 5 am! They don't even drive home! How is the car industry going to come back if they take trains all the time? It's ridiculous: during the daytime, there's a train every 15 minutes: who's going to want to buy a car, and begin living The American Way, if it's cheaper and faster to go by train? I'm telling you, Holland is worse than Belgium.

When we're done liberating the commie pinko terrorist-leaning countries, teaching them the value of The American Way, we need to clean up our act at home. I'd start with the Quakers. Can you imagine having testimonies on equality, justice, integrity, simplicity, peace and the environment? They would wreck our American Way of Life in a heartbeat if they ever got the chance. Send them to Gitmo is what we should do. where they can't cause any harm. Why would anyone work if it wasn't going to give power over others who are clearly lower down the totem pole? And any true American has to be ready to lie for his country: not doing so would be unpatriotic. As for simplicity, how can we run our factories if people don't buy new stuff all the time? Failure to buy ought to be a crime. And anyone who says that the way to peace is through peace is off their rocker, anyone knows that. They'd hand the country over to the first bad guy who said "boo!". And tree huggers are maybe the worst of the lot, keeping honest developers from providing what people want in order to protect, I'm not making this up, the gopher tortoise. Now, have you ever seen a gopher tortoise? Those holes they dig could be used to hide IEDs. I say, get rid of all the gopher tortoises and we'll be a safer country.

I can feel it: we're getting back on track now!

>>The problem is that Al quida raised arms with you and you on your turn who were unable to find and punish the ones responsible for it, just got out to iraq and afghanistan where the first had absolutely nothing to do with it, and the second only marginally in providing al quida a home base. So if I slam you in the face and run a way, you're going to get anyone who remotely might have some relationship with me?
>No. He will invade Belgium.

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