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Letter from a Dodge Dealer
05/06/2009 12:03:26
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>>>>>You like security Marcia but you seem to want your country to be run in a very harsh way that (I think) would make you less secure.
>>>>>You have made it abundantly clear what you think - I want less intrusive government. I do not want the government running private businesses. I assume that you find that harsh because you are very happy with the state of your nanny government in the UK.
>>>>Well I guess you and your fellow right wingersare going to have to put up with being pissed off for the next few years.
>>>> And I'd have to say that gives me some pleasure.
>>>Wow. You surprise me. I didn't know there was a leftist version of Rush here :o)
>>>Interesting difference in views:
>>> President Barack Obama remains by far the most popular world leader among people in major Western nations and is the one political figure on whom people consistently pin their hopes in the economic crisis, according to new polls conducted for the International Herald Tribune.
>>>The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 34% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-four percent (34%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of 0. That’s the highest level of strong disapproval and the lowest overall rating yet recorded
>>>The most enlightening is the chart on the page
>>Well I don't think he need worry about poll ratings for a couple of years yet. You elected him to lead not chase popularity.
>Ha ha ha. Funny you didn't say the same about Bush :o)
>Some more bad news - this one may be a prelude to more:
>Microsoft Corp. Chief Executive Officer Steven Ballmer said the world’s largest software company would move some employees offshore if Congress enacts President Barack Obama’s plans to impose higher taxes on U.S. companies’ foreign profits.
>“It makes U.S. jobs more expensive,” Ballmer said in an interview. “We’re better off taking lots of people and moving them out of the U.S. as opposed to keeping them inside the U.S.”

You can't blame Ballmer for trying to protect the bottom line but that's pretty clearly a bluff, don't you think?

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