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>>Business, capitalism, and wealth are the engines of growth and recovery and all three have been declared war on by the current gaggle of pinheads. So be prepared for a long period of stagnation and pain. I think history will see Obama as Carter on steroids.
>>Yep - that's my take on it (unfortunately).
>During the course of the election, I tried to point out the tax policies of Obama. I was slammed left and right and the most common response was "maybe that's what this country needs." His changing his policies throughout the election in order to gain more popularity didn't help. I watched his increase in taxes go from those earning 45,000/yr when he started his campaign to >250,000/yr in the final debate. His speeches are still general in nature without specifics to pin him down on. Sheesh. I still have hope he will accomplish great things in foreign affairs (let's hope anyway but my hope is dwindling because citizens of other countries are more accustomed to wordy speeches that seem to encompass everyone as the beneficiary and the other guy as the bad guy and are more likely to see through it and demand specifics), but when it comes to this economy and business and capitalism: I fear we will all have raised taxes, unprecedented maximum coverage of benefits, more jobs at lower wages, and a lessoning of benefits in order to afford the maximum coverage. It is a case of bringing down the successful in order to bring up the unsuccessful until everyone is at a medium level regardless of their efforts or abilities. The benefits the poor receive now will decrease as will the income of the successful. No one imagines they are the ones who will have to 'sacrifice' until suddenly they are. Listening to his speeches, everyone imagines that those who will have to sacrifice are the 'other guys.'

His foreign policy (timetable for Iraq surrender, trials for American military and CIA, weakening/elimination of defense programs, complete lack of backbone, etc) has done wonders for foreign relations.

N Korea, Iran, Cuba, and others are really falling under his spell.

>There seems to be a view that mediocrity is okay as long as it pertains to everyone.

That is the best that socialism will accomplish.

>I hope I am wrong, but the pattern so far looks to be headed that way.

Don't Tread on Me

Overthrow the federal government NOW!

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