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Letter from a Dodge Dealer
11/06/2009 07:49:00
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some of the statements coming on here from the US right seem to be deliberate attempts to provoke a reaction.


>We disagree profoundly about it being a hiccup. As far as the correct remedy and historical analogies, those are different subjects. I said the other day that I intend to step back from the political food fights here and still think that's a good idea.
>>Yes, that was what it was. A hiccup. It would have fixed itself eventually. I'm not going to argue your facts as I agree with them. But the answer seems to be to triple the deficit and nationalize institutions. Remember before the election I likened Obama to Mussolini? Look at the way he ran Italy in the 1920's and compare it to where Obama is going. I still like my early assessment.
>>>Economic hiccup? Is that what you call what happened last year, especially from September on? Let's recap a few highlights to refresh your memory. The stock market fell by half. Huge institutions like Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Fannie, and Freddie either failed or had to be taken over by the government. AIG and the automakers were hemorrhaging so much money they needed billions in federal money just to stay afloat. Unemployment started spiking, higher every month. Real estate prices continued in free fall and millions of mortgages were foreclosed. Credit seized up. All this happened with Barack Obama out on the campaign trail, then President-elect. So that's what I meant.
>>>I truly believe Obama when he says he has no desire to go into the auto business, the banking business, etc. They're trying to get things stabilized, then you will see the government step back. There is no agenda against business. They are just reacting as best they can (as the Bush administration did) against the biggest economic tsunami we have had in 80 years.
>>>>The hand that was dealt him??? From whom? He took an economic hiccup and turned it into the greatest deficit spending and land grab bonanza on the part of the Feds the world has ever seen.
>>>>>Please, Mr. John, don't cut my cojones off! LOL
>>>>>Let's just say we seriously disagree about Barack Obama. I don't think he is an ideologue at all. He is playing the hand that was dealt him. IMO he is the steadiest minded president we have had in a long time.
>>>>>As I said in another post a few minutes ago, the assignment is going great. You should keep them in mind for the future. Can tell you more privately if you like.
>>>>>>BTW, before I cut your cojones off, let me say that I hope your assignment is going well and wish I could be there.
>>>>>>The market is up partly because there is some artificial trading going on. Money is being dumped into the market that wouldn't be there normally and I don't pretend to understand why but that's what's happening.
>>>>>>I think most of us anti-progressives did give Obama a chance and he's spit in our face. He is the imperial President; new czars all over the place that usurp the tradional powers of Congress. And then, hey, date night in Manhatten at taxpayer expense. Funny, I don't recall Bush doing that. But I guess Nero fiddles....
>>>>>>Obama is the biggest ideologue we've had as President since FDR. He will do what he wants to do and it'll all be cloaked with BS...and then the sheeople will wake up and realize they are paying 2-3K more to the Feds than they used to. Too late then.
>>>>>>>>I agree with you. I would love to see us energy independent and tell OPEC to eat their oil for breakfast. But sadly, we've a ways to go yet.
>>>>>>>>Off shore drilling would certainly help. It would also help to create some of those jobs that Obama said that he was going to save or create with his spendulus package.
>>>>>>>Give the guy a chance, Marcia. The stock market is up three months in a row under his tenure and his approval levels remain at historic highs. I know you do not agree with him philosophically. All I'm saying is keep an open mind.

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