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12/06/2009 16:13:04
12/06/2009 13:33:46
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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Hi Mike, I hope this helps.

These kinds of situations arise many times in our lives. Commonly referred to as "between a rock and a hard place". I tend to resolve these conflicts within myself by asking a simple question "What can I live with?"

Contrary to what some are saying I believe the particulars of the situation are not important. What is important is how the results of your actions will affect you, those involved and can you live with the consequences of your actions. To judge properly, you must consider the worst case scenario as opposed to the best. If you act unethically what's the worst that can happen? If you continue to take the high road, what's the worst that can happen? Which can you live with?

Honestly assessing these scenarios and your judgment regarding which you can live with will present you with your answer.

>I may act like a jerk on here sometimes, but I like to think I conduct my personal affairs with integrity and I am a decent person.
>Without getting into too many details, there's something going on in my life right now where a loved one is dealing with somebody with absolutely no integrity, no morals, no sense of right and wrong, no personal responsibility. He is WINNING because of this. And this isn't something where "hang in there and he'll get his"... this is something that cannot be lost.
>How is it possible to deal with this while still maintaining your integrity? I keep telling this loved one to stay on the moral high ground and to not stoop to his level, but to stick to his/her guns and do not concede. But this isn't a conflict that can be lost, and playing nice just doesn't seem to be working. The final outcome will happen in a few weeks. I have been living the past few days terrified that taking the high road wasn't enough. What good is being a good person if it puts you in situations where you are miserable? No, knowing that you did the right thing isn't enough. There's too much at stake to lose.
>I'm usually pretty black and white about crime and punishment, but for the first time in my life I understand how somebody can be driven to do something that lacks integrity out of desperation.
>To see the horrible things that are happening to the people I love the most in my life as a result of this coward is killing me.
>Life isn't fair.
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Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
Wine is the most civilized thing in the world - Ernest Hemingway
Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance - Benjamin Franklin

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