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N Korea threatens to wipe U.S. off the globe
25/06/2009 20:14:00
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>>>>>>>>>They're so cute when they rattle their sabers. Wipe us off the globe -- that's hilarious.
>>>>>>>>>Do you think you would have said the same thing on September 10 of 2001?
>>>>>>>>Of North Korea, yes. They are all bluster.
>>>>>>>>Also, 9/11, as serious as it was, came nowhere near "wiping us off the globe."
>>>>>>>Would you feel the same if you lived in Hawaii?
>>>>>>Just a note . . . The goal of the 911 gang et al is to economically destroy the USA. BTW, how is your economy coming along these days?
>>>>>I agree with Rush, Al Queda had better hurry up, because or our elected leaders are going to beat them to it. See my upcoming post regarding Congressional morons.
>>>>But the root of most of the expenditure is 911 which begat the afghanistan response and then the Iraq war which contributed to loans from China.
>>>That makes no sense. The root of our current economic problems has nothing to do with 911 or war expenses. It has to do with morons elected to public office changing laws and regulations to require heavy subsidization in sub-prime lending through quasi-governmental entities. Further contributing are highly leveraged financial institutions, getting in on the game thanks to the aforementioned morons changing decades old regulations prohibiting using depositor funds for investment banking. Add to that a bogus unregulated "insurance" concept regulatorily ignored through the paid-off (politically contributed) aforementioned morons which was allowed to be considered as capitalization for highly leveraged financial institutions who were allowed to further leverage their depositors funds into highly speculative, government mandated and subsidized sub-prime loans which imploded when it was realized that the underlying property they backed was owned by people who were keeping up with the Jones' and had no chance of ever paying the underlying loan back at the current market price, let alone when the property value decreased due to speculative overbuilding caused by the run up in housing demand, fostered by the decisions of the once again aforementioned morons.
>>>To date the 6 years of war in Iraq has cost an estimated $860 billion. We've spent more on bailouts and takeovers in the last 9 months and nearly as much in payoffs to political allies (stimulus) in the past 5 months.
>>No NO NO! If that is the case then the Democrats caused the financial trouble and as you know, Democrats are Gods and Republicans are stupid oafs. So, you must be wrong.
>Hey, no fair. No one said Republicans are oafs.

So sorry.
I ain't skeert of nuttin eh?
Yikes! What was that?

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