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What's good for the goose...
16/07/2009 19:54:02
16/07/2009 18:32:09
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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Perhaps I'll respond to this tomorrow. Perhaps not. I've grown quite tired of you misrepresenting my position.
I am not now, nor have I ever advocated for the elimination of government. My position is to reduce its authority, power and influence dramatically and to do so we must starve it of funding. My position is to restore the power, seized over the years, back to the citizenry. Your last statement in the previous message belies my position and misscharacterizes my argument.

I'm wondering if your motivation is to play devil's advocate, deliberately misrepresent my position to defend your own or perhaps you simply refuse to accept the failures of government and honestly believe that this time they'll get it right.

>The system is failed as our rights have been eliminated.
>We're going in circles. Are there or are there not effective mechanisms to protect your rights? Your described example says yes. Your words say no. We can agree to disagree.
>The challenge never ends. That was my point. We've asserted and re-asserted and defended these rights repeatedly over the decades, yet with each new set of bureaucrats and politicians comes some jackass looking to make a name for himself by achieving his "gotcha" moment.
>So? Nothing is cast in stone. Things will change. Most human beings and entities are driven to compete. Up to you whether you turn the other cheek or defend your rights.
>Lesson the power and size of the State. Lesson the tax burden from which they draw their power. Shrink the bureaucracy by eliminating social programs with the precision of a swinging axe. Return the money to the citizenry so that individuals can decide how to spend the fruits of their labor. Simply put, restore our Constitutionally established freedom from the tyranny of State power.
>And let the bankers take over, since they are the richest and have demonstrated their ability to make things really peachy without government assistance.
>You do realize that without government there would be a dam upstream from you and that if the gold course decided they wanted your farm, there would be little you could do about it?
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Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
Wine is the most civilized thing in the world - Ernest Hemingway
Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance - Benjamin Franklin

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