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Someone needs to set this man's priorities...
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Gee Mike, I just thought you might have realized the mistake you made. Check out the awakening http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll

>John, you're a good guy but please stop CC-ing me on this type of message. I might start to think you are intentionally baiting me. Thanks.
>>Obama is an amazing president, maybe the mot amazing ever. He has taken us to the brink of bankruptcy in just a few short months. I wonder how we will fare by mid-term. Hopefully, at that point, we HOPE we will at least have some CHANGE in our pockets, and those who voted for the wackos will wake up and vote to throw them out. I'm hoping we change horses as soon as possible. Maybe we should remove them all every two years. That couldn't be any worse than what we've got today, except that might cause the politicians to go into Warp drive on taking bribes, stealing, etc....
>>>I haven't read it yet,either, but he's a libertarian so I'm sure I'd agree with most of it.
>>>As to polarization, Mike, do you think that just ratcheted up for no good reason? What would you expect from a Presidency where he fingerpoints to his predecessor for all blame? Or a Congress who changes the rules at will to exclude the minority and shuts them out of meaningful meetings? Or a Speaker who you can tell when she is lying because her mouth is open?
>>>What I find supremely ironic is that the left spent 8 years calling Bush the evil, imperial President that he really never was yet is blind to the nakedly imperial Presidency of Obama. Every day there's a new example but you folks aren't paying attention and the media is sycophantic. Today was the signing of the ASEAN treaty on Presidential authority bypassing the Congressional role in treaties as outlined in the Constitution.
>>>To wit: I have somewhat of a problem with what Obama does but I have a REAL problem with how he does them. By any definition he's the most dictatorial President we have had since Lincoln - who at least had the excuse of a Civil War.
>>>If you're an inch-deep partisan who agrees with his policies and isn't terribly concerned with the traditional balance of power then have fun. Otherwise, be very afraid.
>>>>Key word = "right" I bet ;-)
>>>>I wish there was some way we as a country could get past all this polarization. Call me naive but I genuinely had hope that Obama would bring people with different positions closer together. After six months in office it is already clear we are still as polarized, if not more so, as we were through the Clinton and Bush years. People don't just disagree any more. Now it has gone way past that into demonization and cries that the other side is leading us on a path to hell.
John Harvey

"I'm addicted to placebos. I could quit, but it wouldn't matter." Stephen Wright

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