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More on Should we Screen for PC
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>>>>>>Here's a blog from a guy that has a 10 yo son, so he's not too old. When would have been a good time for him to have been screened, in order to prevent the Advanced PC that's killing him? (Notice his low PSA reading....Doctors say 0 to 4.0 is good???) At diagnosis, mine was 20.4.
>>>>>Hard to say.... but a good thing that they do screen if over a 4.0 PSA.... they just found mine 2 weeks ago at 5.1 and my biopsy is positive... Gleason of 5 at this time... going in Monday to see what to do about it.
>>>>Good luck, Tommy.
>>>Possibly going to lean toward the Radiation Seeds.... we will see after talking with the Doctors....
>>What I remember from when my father in law had it was that it is generally treated successfully if caught early enough and that there are several treatment alternatives. Listen to the docs with an open mind.
>>Something like this really makes political differences fly out the window.
>Here are my results as of today....
>PSA was 5.1 (doesn't mean that much anymore... it is the PSA delta (how fast it changes over time) that alerts them to do other tests.
>Gleason Grade - Primary 3 - Secondary 4 = 7 (majority of prostate cancers detected - "A moderately poorly differentialted or aggressive cancer"
>TNM Clinical Staging System - "T1c" - A cancer that cannot be felt with a DRE (rectal exam) but it is detected with a biopsy in one or both sides (the left side in my case) of the prostate, because of an initial high PSA value.
>Biopsy Cores - Number Positive or Cancerous samples - 5 (of 12 samples)
> Number Negative - 7 (of 12 samples)
>so.......... it could be a LOT worse !
>I am going with Radical Prostatectomy done by Da Vinci Robotic control..... in about 6 weeks from now.... go in on Thursday and be out by Friday... stay home about a week and half and back to work....
>and hopefully prostate cancer free!!!
>(Radical Prostatectomy is the only SURE way to know if the cancer is contained in the prostate or has spread - they do a pathology exam on it after it has been removed. At this point, the odds are good it is contained.).

Thank you for the update. I don't understand much of that (Dale will) but know we will all be pulling for you six weeks from now, and beyond. It must be a relief just to have made the decision how to proceed.

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