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More on Should we Screen for PC
28/07/2009 11:47:34
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>>>>Here's a blog from a guy that has a 10 yo son, so he's not too old. When would have been a good time for him to have been screened, in order to prevent the Advanced PC that's killing him? (Notice his low PSA reading....Doctors say 0 to 4.0 is good???) At diagnosis, mine was 20.4.
>>>Hard to say.... but a good thing that they do screen if over a 4.0 PSA.... they just found mine 2 weeks ago at 5.1 and my biopsy is positive... Gleason of 5 at this time... going in Monday to see what to do about it.
>>Sorry to hear this.
>>Is it 3+2=5, 2+3=5 or ??
>>What ever it is, don't rush into a treatment. Typically it's a slow growing cancer, where you have time to educate yourself.
>Here are my results as of today....
>PSA was 5.1 (doesn't mean that much anymore... it is the PSA delta (how fast it changes over time) that alerts them to do other tests.
>Gleason Grade - Primary 3 - Secondary 4 = 7 (majority of prostate cancers detected - "A moderately poorly differentialted or aggressive cancer"
>TNM Clinical Staging System - "T1c" - A cancer that cannot be felt with a DRE (rectal exam) but it is detected with a biopsy in one or both sides (the left side in my case) of the prostate, because of an initial high PSA value.
>Biopsy Cores - Number Positive or Cancerous samples - 5 (of 12 samples)
> Number Negative - 7 (of 12 samples)
>so.......... it could be a LOT worse !
>I am going with Radical Prostatectomy done by Da Vinci Robotic control..... in about 6 weeks from now.... go in on Thursday and be out by Friday... stay home about a week and half and back to work....
>and hopefully prostate cancer free!!!
>(Radical Prostatectomy is the only SURE way to know if the cancer is contained in the prostate or has spread - they do a pathology exam on it after it has been removed. At this point, the odds are good it is contained.).

Thanks for the update.

It looks like you are doing a lot of research so you know what's coming down the road.

If you have any questions that I might be able to help you with, let me know either here or here (computut@sbcglobal.net).

Dale S.

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