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Andy and I were there
20/08/2009 18:17:37
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I doubt they can ram it through, especially since they're losing the elderly, however, this idea of splitting the bills and using reconciliation could work. It will likely ruin the Democratic party and Obama's presidency, but it could very well be pushed through by Christmas and then they'll have 11 months to hope and pray the economy turns around and people forget how mad they were before the midterm election.

>As you or someone else already said, there is enough opposition within the Democratic party that they can't ram it through. The insurance and medical industries have won again and we will continue spending 16-17% of our GNP on health care.
>>That's the trial balloon they're currently floating. In the past couple days political events have moved quite quickly.
>>- Going into the past weekend polling and town halls have indicated a large plurality of dissatisfaction with the current proposals.
>>- As a result the administration fired off a couple test balloons last weekend suggesting the public option could be removed from legislation.
>>- This resulted in a large amount of dissatisfaction from the hard left who want a "public option" at a minimum full blown universal care as the end goal
>>- This blowback caused the administration to immediately backtrack from removing the "public option" and begin talking about "co-ops" as a compromise.
>>- Now the administration is firing off a couple test balloons about not seeking any Republican support.
>>- This will be the hotly debated topic this weekend and come they'll conduct polling to see how that flew.
>>- Come Monday they'll fire the next idea
>>>I am beginning to hear, on the American news casts, that the Democrats are about to give up on working with the Republicans and just put a Democrat plan for health care into place by themselves.
>>>>I just hope that you don't believe those crappy commercials telling you that the Canadian Health system is THAT bad.
>>>>Actually, I have heard that it is wonderful if you do not have anything very serious health issues.
>>>>Yes there are waiting lists... but never ever I heard about urgent cases that were not treated fast.
>>>>Well I have. Fox News has interviewed sevral Canadians who told horror stories about having to wait years for treatment for serious conditions. It just may be that these cases are not, unsurprisingly, covered extensively in the media. Andy lived in England for 45 years, so he has some first hand knowledge about nationalized heath care. And our brother-in-law is a physician in England and he has had some real horror stories to tell from first hand experience.
>>>>Apparently you guys have VERY strong lobbies fighting this. Hmm I wonder if pharmaceutical enterprises could be linked to those :-D
>>>>You must not follow the news very closely. The pharmaceutical companies have signed on to Obamacare.
>>>>Oh I understand that many in the USA are living the American dream (doctors, insurance companies, pharmaceutical...). It's so sad that many are also living an American nightmare.
>>>>Life is what you make it. If you work hard, anyone can live the American dream. If you don't work hard to achieve your goals, you have no one to blame but yourself.
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