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>>>And just to stir things up a bit more, although you didn't ask, if you're looking at desktop apps then also consider WPF instead of WinForms :-}
>>You just did {g}. Seriously though, why do you think WPF is better than Winform? I admit that I know almost nothing about WinForms and even less about WPF. But I need to make a decision (recommendation) to a VFP customer on to what are we going to convert the VFP application. My understanding is that WinForms is the closest to VFP in terms of look and feel. WPF (from a little description I read) I believe is a graphical subsystem and I thought more suitable for graphical business applications rather than data entry type. Again, I am just guessing from the little I have heard/read about it. But I would love to hear your input on this since you have already working with WPF. And I thank you in advance for sharing.
>PMFJI. I read a lot of stuff from Microsoft and it seems clear that WPF is the coming thing. Even though WinForms is closer to VFP, why invest learning time in something that is on the way out?

Hi Mike,

Your point would be really valid if I were 25 yo or if I worked for a company getting a paycheck and trying to learn as much as possible on the job. But I am self-employed (supporting close to 100 customers) and I don't have time to learn every new technology M$ invents. The learning curve of WPF is much steeper and the road to the finished product in WPF is much longer. Therefore, I would like to know clear advantages of WPF for a data entry app, besides M$ marketing hype and the push from the minority of gurus who love every new technology from MS.
What bothers me the most is that WinForms may not be supported in a near future. But then again, the way M$ does their business, WPF may not be supported in a few years either.
"The creative process is nothing but a series of crises." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
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