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Good news for all you smokers out there
23/08/2009 10:58:07
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>>>I can see it now, a new grass-roots (no pun intended) movement: Roll Your Own!!!!
>>My mom is a smoker. She started smoking a couple of days after I was born and is still puffing away. She used to roll her own back in the late 60's and 70's. She didn't grow tobacco (even thought CT is a good tobacco-growing state), but back then (and probably still now, I don't know), you could by cans of tobacco (about the size of coffee cans) all ready for rolling. She even had a little "machine" that made it easy.
>I remember those - not bad tasting either (as far as cigarettes go). They were called Laredo. You could buy a starter kit that had the machine, papers (looked like regular cigarettes), and a can of tobacco. I smoked for about 15 years.

The stuff my mom bought was called "Tops", never saw anything called Laredo.

I've never smoked ... I never could stand the things. When I was a kid, no one ever thought about not smoking in the house in those days. I used to complain to my mother that no matter where I was sitting in relation to where she was smoking, that smoke always drifted directly in my direction. She would just laugh about it, but I hated that smoke. Of all of us 5 kids, only one took up smoking.

>My mother smoked from somewhere around birth (her birth) to the day she died at 85. We warned her to quit for decades but she always said smoking wasn't what would finsh her off. She was right.

My mother's still kicking ... and still smoking ... but she's young, she's only 76. <g>


>>>Something tells me that guy might be growing more than just tobacco plants :)
>>>I love this quote: "I want to get to where I don't have to go to the store and buy tobacco, but I'll just be able to supply my own from one year to the next"
>>>But where's the fun in that, if you can't drive to your local 7/11 late at night to get a Big Gulp and a box of Marlboro's???
>>>But this quote kills me...."'Yeah, we're going to die of cancer, but do we have to die of poverty as well?'"
>>>I wonder if that guy will have that quote engraved on his tombstone....
>>>I can see it now, a new grass-roots (no pun intended) movement: Roll Your Own!!!!
Bonnie Berent DeWitt
NET/C# MVP since 2003


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