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About those who allow Hitlerized Obama pictures
14/09/2009 18:33:50
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>>>>>>>>>>Isn't it forbidden in your country to offend your president?
>>>>>>>>>Does the Netherlands have such a law?
>>>>>>>>I guess it resembles yours. Threatening is forbidden. Having admitted that, esp. a patriotistic country like yours should show pride about its president. Citizens (citizens!) who derogate their democratically chosen leader the way they do it nowadays are not really civilized, no matter what their physical appearance suggests. It influences how other people in the world perceive the country.
>>>>>>>I agree. All the people who started talking down on Obama from the day he was elected, have the right to do so. But way too many people are blindly negative to every move he makes and every word he says. They remind me of followers of some religion who have nothing but good intentions but their subject of the day is controversial; they preach and preach, and most people ignore them, except their followers who will follow their leader to the grave.
>>>>>>>I prefer to ignore them.
>>>>>>I agree. All the people who started talking up on Obama from the day he was elected, have the right to do so. But way too many people are blindly positive to every move he makes and every word he says. They remind me of followers of some religion who have nothing but good intentions but their subject of the day is controversial; they preach and preach, and most people ignore them, except their followers who will follow their leader to the grave.
>>>>>>I prefer to ignore them.
>>>>>Smart. So tell me, will this be your signature here for the next 20 or so years, no matter what president is leading your country at a given moment?
>>>>Have you somehow forgotten my position regarding politicians? I seem to recall you being rather vocal in response to my choice of descriptive terms. ;)
>>>Ah, refresh my mind. I react to arguments, rather than to people. :)
>>See message# 1420975 for my position.
>Ah, yes, now I remember. The 'contemptuous leeches' insult. Basically a similar case, that is, it shows very much disrespect for politicians. Are the American politicians really that corrupt?

In a word yes. The corrupting influence of power, the modern structure of the system/parties and the pressure and requirements of campaigning combines to make them beholden to special interests over their constituents. Combine those factors with the information age we live in, which discourages accomplished, well meaning achievers from seeking office due to the privacy invasion that comes simply by declaring a candidacy let alone running the campaign. What we're left with are individuals who are narcissistic, power-hungry and convinced of their own worthiness. Those who even bother running are typically less than desirable and when elected become ingrained into the political culture of their position.

>Perhaps you should emigrate to the Netherlands. You may and will disagree with many or all of our politicians, but they are not corrupt. Trust me.

If and when I leave this country it will be for a private island. I enjoy my space. ;)
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