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VFP and Linux
23/09/2009 19:50:01
Dragan Nedeljkovich
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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>>Keep in mind that IIRC Microsoft VFP license specifies it is to be run on Windows only.
>It took me a while to find the eula.txt... but here's the relevant part, under "you may not":
>* distribute any Distributable Code that runs on any platform other than the Windows platform;

I read that at face value. If I find I must try to sneak under a vendors' license terms I tend to review my needs and find something more suited.

People may do what they wish and face whatever consequences that arise.

Wasting time and money (lots of both) trying to hack an old version of VFP to sort-of work in Linux trying to emulate Windows rather than running up to date VFP under Windows is a fools game. People may do what they wish.

>Now it's a matter of definition. If I distribute my app on a pile of window panes, is it a Windows platform? Or if Wine provides a platform for running pretty much any app which runs under various Windowses, is it also a Windows platform? It supports them, so it is a platform, and Windows is not a trademark.
>And then, what about downloadables? If you distribute your app over the Web, you have about zero control over the type of windows the users will use as a platform - will it be bay windows, or XP, or windows of opportunity, or Wine, you don't know and you can only warn the user that they are in a breach of your own EULA (if you like to speak that much legalese to bother them with one).
>In any shrink wrapped app, you can only omit the word "Linux", or even better, specifically say that "installation on a Linux machine under Wine is wholeheartedly advised against, because Microsoft says so, and we don't support it". But I seriously doubt any one of us would feel the cold hand of Microsoft's lawyers on the shoulder because we didn't sue an user who installed it on a wrong type of platform (like an off-coast oil rig, it's also a platform and it is not a window).
>IOW, this can't be enforced, and I think also means bundling - I'll sell you wheels only if you also buy axles from me, and if you sell a car with my wheels and someone else's axles, I may sue you. Yeah, right, and I'll sue you for bundling, which is probably worse than a breech of post facto contract such as EULA - you can't read it until you begin installation, unenforceable in many countries.
>Microsoft is so bad - it forced me to speak some legalese. I'd rather do some coding. Even the poor puns are better.

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