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Senate Finance Committee HealthCare Bill Released
24/09/2009 16:44:52
23/09/2009 17:40:30
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>There is never an "only" way unless you narrow your focus too much.
>That's true if every aspect of a system is open to change, which is not the case here.
>Loosen the insurance regulations, reform the legal climate, incentivize new technology investment, and let the market go to work.
>And lets not forget that "prevention is better than cure." Voila, senior healthcare funding solved! That was easy.
>As to the Medicare line above...what part of broke isn't clear?
>What part of "50% of healthcare expenditure occurs over age 65" isn't clear? The cost of that 50% is rising because the population is aging and expensive treatment options are multiplying.

>We know that healthcare will consume all of GDP if allowed,

This does not have to be the case. Individuals would not allow it. Only government run/funded care has this possibility. If individuals are put in charge of their health costs, they will draw a line, just as they do with every other financial decision in their lives.

>so Medicare always will be "broke" if it is allocated a budget and no rationing mechanism. What else do you expect, and why would you expect a different result if you hand the issue to insurers whose concept of "competition" involves avoiding exactly the sort of risk that seniors represent?

I expect every single entitlement to vastly overrun projected/supposed/WAG costs that are presented to the citizenry. It is the nature of the beast. Just look at Social Security. 2 years ago it was estimated that it would run in the red by 2020 and we must make changes, but politicians kicked the can. The most recent estimate shows it running in the red next year. No can to kick now, but quick, lets try health care because we just know they'll get it right this time.

>A cynic might observe that actually this whole kerfuffle is about rationing, a sort of reverse-Emperor's-Clothes that nobody wants to acknowledge even though it is the only reason that healthcare doesn't already consume the entire GDP.

This is about who is going to be in charge of our lives and at what cost. This is all about individual freedom and responsibility and we want more choices. Tort reform works, look at Texas and Mississippi. Mandated care does not, look at Tennessee and Massachusetts. Government run care is driving up costs and driving down care. Just look at medicare and the increasing number of doctors no longer accepting. Look at the increasing number of specialists. Look at seniors need for supplemental insurance. Look at the broken budget. It's all backwards and while an aging population, extended lifespans and greater technological advancement are contributing to costs, the lack of competition and stifled innovation is contributing more.

Capitalism is the greatest force for innovation, I suggest we implement some before we destroy the whole shebang.
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