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No, it's an excuse and you're foolish if you believe it. Say you get tired of the balloon floating around the house that your kid loves to play with, so you put a teeny hole in it to ensure that soon it's deflated. Then you throw it away and tell the kid that you had to because all the air leaked out. That's all M$ did. They stopped advertising the product, they stopped talking about it, except for the dev team, it was ignored. They sent the message and turned their back knowing what would happen. Then after awhile they turned around and said "oh, look everyone's gone, got to kill it." As if they didn't know what would happen. If they advertised it, talked about it, positioned it as the great front-end for SQL server that it was, and/or raised the price the revenue would have been there. They didn't try and they got what they were aiming for. They let the air out of the balloon and refused to acknowledge why that happened. And the most amazing thing is that some people actually believe them.

>Diminishing revenue is a good reason to me.
>>I think what people blame them for is taking a very powerful product that was doing a lot of great things for a lot of great companies and killing it for no valid reasons. I've heard the excuses and they are exactly that.
>I was pointing out that all the indicators were there. When I wrote that blog post, I had no official word that the end was coming. I just added up lots of public information and extrapolated a bit. Anyone paying attention to the market place, what Microsoft was doing with .Net, the closing of Fox user groups, decreasing numbers of conferences, forum posts, etc, could have figured it out.
>>You have mentioned before your blogging about the decision two years before it was announced. What is your point here? The death of VFP was rumored since the day they bought it and they never did anything substantial to prove they weren't going to kill it, so what is the significance of your blog entry? It wasn't clairvoyant. Perhaps you mean it as simply one example of why people shouldn't have been surprised. And on that point you are, of course, correct. No one should have been surprised. But that doesn't mean they can't be angry about it. continues to rip people off
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