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03/10/2009 17:32:54
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>>>>This is your mind on drugs. It was going pretty well this week, despite a blackout pissed-off day Wednesday.I did that just soleier on thing. But damn, it's hard.
>>>>UPDATE: Terrible typing. Sorry. Just trusting and fearing in cyberspace.
>>>Unlike you, I don't do mind altering drugs. WAKE UP and STOP.
>>I did.
>>This has apparently been a minor episode. Not looking for absolution, just saying.
>>I think I know what set me off. "The Lost Symbol." Dan Brown is financially probably worth you, me, and everyone else here put together. I read the last 200 pages last night just to see how it turned out. So yeah, he has that going for him. Kudos. But as a stylist he is horrible. The man cannot write. That he is so successful says more about where we are as a culture than about his abilities.
>>Envy? Maybe.
>>The millions are something to think about, though. Maybe I should turn to trash fiction ;-)
>So now you are a snob? You can watch a movie purely for entertainment but reading a popular novel (which is written for the same purpose) is beneath you? It's pretty well known that those who write popular novels earn more than those who write critically acclaimed works. If you really want to make some $ and you don't have a Harry Potter or Dan Brown novel in you, write a vampire series or go even further down the pike and write a romance novel. Those things sell like hot cakes. :o) I've read a couple of the books in a few vampire series, but I've never made it through a romance novel yet and probably never will. However, I once spoke with a publisher who told me that romance novels is where the $ is. He told me it would be an easy way to put my daughter through college, but I responded that I'd probably be unlikely to write one very well unless I could actually read one first :o) I did try talking my mom into it though. She declined :o( We've decided to write though and this time, we are writing alternate chapters. It's really an interesting experience trying to pick up the loose ends and carry on a story when you didn't write the previous chapter :o)
>Since you didn't seem to like one bit my snippets of a previous book:
>Re: I know this is not a writers' group, but.... Thread #1209048 Message #1209458
>I'll refrain from posting anymore and forcing such drivel upon you. :o) (Just kidding)

I am not against popular books per se. Dennis Lehane, Michael Connelly, and John Irving are all pretty popular and I never miss any of theirs. It's just that I prefer good writing to hackery. If that makes me a snob, I'm guilty as charged.

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