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>>>BO has gotten a fair chance. He's just acted like an idiot during that time. Popularity didn't fall because we stopped giving him a chance....it fell because of his actions.
>>IMO the only way he's acted like an idiot is not fighting back more forcefully against those who seek to destroy him. His predecessor, now there was a guy who acted like an idiot.
>Your arguments lose credence everytime you talk about Bush. Yes, he screwed up some. So did Clinton....so did Reagan....so did Wilson after the stroke. My only response to any of that is....quit trying to drive the car using the rearview mirror. BO needs to spend some quality time looking out the freakin WINDSHIELD as he tries to drive this country in a positive direction. He come across like a 5 year old trying to blame everyone else.
>Is that really the only counter argument you can find?
>Going to act as a circus-barker for Chicago was IDIOTIC for a President of the United States. So was holding a "beer summit" - what ever happened to a state dinner? Just yesterday BO said that "the sobering job loss news proves that we need my health care reform" (ummm...no, it proves we need to create jobs). Leaving the details of a stimulus package to Nancy Pelosi's oversight has proven to be a bad choice and now he is doing the same thing with health care.
>IMO, many of his problems stem from having horrible advisors. Rahm making sarcastic, smarta$$ statements like "We'll make sure the naysayers get good seats for the Chicago Olympics" provides pretty good insight into what kind of advice he is providing. David Axelrod is a buffoon. His own decision to shuffle Hillary to obscure corners of the earth while he tries to provide "leadership" in diplomatic affairs is quickly proving to be quite farcical as well. Iran will have a nuclear bomb soon, Israel will attack them and the war will be on....with our troops in the middle of it. His continued waffling on Afghanistan is GETTING PEOPLE KILLED who shouldn't be and it will be the model for what he will do in the middle east.....nothing except watch American soldiers die.
>And how about yesterdays commentary on "the sobering job loss news proves we must act" - so he plans to extend unemployment benefits for another period of time (so if I get laid off, I can now have my neighbors carry my load for like 11 years or some such rot) and extend a tax credit for first-time home buyers (exactly how the HELL is that going to create jobs???)
>How will "fighting back more forcefully" fix any of these screwups?

Obviously we have very different viewpoints about both Bush and Obama. Have a good day!

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