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More FYI flu news
02/11/2009 08:45:17
Lutz Scheffler
Lutz Scheffler Software Ingenieurbüro
Dresden, Germany
01/11/2009 13:11:43
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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>>Ukrainian television and radio reports describe a doubling of reported cases from 37,923 to over 80,000 in a 24 hour period, potentially taxing health care delivery. Some health care workers have also been infected. Samples have been sent to London for analysis and a permanent link to WHO has been established. The situation appears to be quite fluid and transmission could be exacerbated by the upcoming holiday weekend. Portable military hospitals have been put on standby.
>BTW, seeing what Agnes wrote this Friday, I wonder how many countries have the "you can't sue the government or the manufacturer if anything happens to you as a result of the vaccine" laws by now? And which countries would that be?

Hi Dragan,

no I did no wrote

"you can't sue the government or the manufacturer if anything happens to you as a result of the vaccine"

You can't sue the manufacturer. The govermant is still responsible. But this is tax payers money.
And the manufacturer is set free because of the potential high risk of a bad tested vaccine. Literally.

(It's a bit triky. The gov orders the stuff from GSK. If the doctor gives you your dose your insurance pays the gov instead of GSK. There are some limitations so that the insurance will cover only 50% of something (I lost trace here). But GSK gots money 100% wether the vaccine will be used or not.)

The deal was made for the potential high risk but low infectious H5N1 called bird flu. But since the H5N1 was never vaccinated (because the virus simply not spread out) the gov sits on a deal with GSK. Now they found a cool way to force the health system to pay.

While the risk might be tolerable for H5N1, the so called swine flu (it is named because the human virus can jump to the animal) is not worth it.

But the addives are not realy necessary. The doctor is forced to mix the vaccine itself (additive + split virus). It is sustainable 24 hours. For €80,- (the price of 10 doses, the amout the doctor is forced to prepare at once) on can talk the doctor to set 4 split virus doses without additive. Same result but without Hg and other little problems.

Can you imagine that in some areas the doctor will not vaccinate because the other 9 doses will not be used and are to be handled as hazardous waste?

But anyway I'm not on the high risk group so I'm forced to wait a month and see how many deaths the vaccination will raise, (^_~)

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