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More movement by the crazies
25/11/2009 15:40:56
25/11/2009 15:31:35
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>>>>>>>(and I'm a lot more worried about Pakistan)
>>>>>>Pakistan is right now standing with one leg on the banana peal, and with the other on the very thin ice.
>>>>>>While in such delicate situation, they are being rocket drizzled by the US drones and occasionaly kicked up the nuts by Blackwaters and such. {g}
>>>>>>If that does not help them to get stable and keep their nukes under control, I don't know what else will. {vbg}
>>>>>Well, if those drones were attacking the government or army that are "controlling" those nukes I'd quite agree, but since they are aiding the Pakistan army in keeping the folks in Waziristan from taking over the whole country - and the nukes - I'd say they are closer to being part of the solution that the problem. The takfiri really don't need US drones or Blackwater as motivation to want to take over from the people currently in power. Frankly, if it weren't for the nukes I'd say let they fight it out and good luck to them. But this is indeed an ugly one.
>>>>Pakistan had nukes for ages and it was newer a problem until region was destabilised by your favourite president {g}.
>>>>US is now helping Pakistani government put out the fire that has been started by US itself when Afganistan and Iraq were attacked. With Afganistan and Iraq occupied Pakistani exteremists were 'upgraded' from margines of society to (in some eyes) premier deffenders of Islam. So for as long as US forces are there, drones are circling and US armed forces are killing civilians (as collateral damage or by mistake) Taliban&Co will just go stronger and stronger. That is just the way it is.
>>>>It is now devilish circle (almost perpetum mobile) of 'Violence breeding more violence'. It can go like this forever, unless
>>>>US put the stop to it, by gradually leaving the region.
>>>>Leaving Afganistan for starters, would be great step in right direction.
>>>Yes yes yes - Of course it's the American's fault. If Karzai farts it's America's fault. If Indonesia has an earthquake it's the American's fault etc etc etc. This boring diatribe that constantly slides from the tongues of many slimy leaders and media outlets, religious or otherwise, throughout the middle east is nothing short of disgusting. The most amazing thing about the situation is that the masses continue to swallow the tripe they are served. On ths side of the fence it is getting very tiresome.
>>Aren't you a canadian ?
>Yes. Aren't you a Russian?

Well in that I don't believe in unrestrained capitalism some here would describe me as a Marxist.

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