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Karzai: U.S. must have patience
09/12/2009 12:09:36
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>>>>>>>>This makes steam come out of my ears. Are eight years and untold billions of dollars not patience enough? Here is the leader of one of the most corrupt governments in the world, the "winner" of an election this fall that was so crooked it would have made the old Soviets blush, and he's lecturing us. Unbelievable.
>>>>>>>>Someone please remind me why we care about Afghanistan beyond taking out the terrorists who are there. We can do that without having to put up with lectures from tinhorn dictators.
>>>>>>>Don't be angry him. He just the "voice of his master". Read this article: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2009/08/20/saigon_2009
>>>>>>>Taliban will be next at Afghanistan. Noone can change that truth.
>>>>>>Well, we can. Obama and other U.S. officials are already putting pressure on both Afghanistan and Pakistan, where the Taliban have been retreating to resupply. Obama told the Pakistani president directly that if they don't do anything about the Taliban in his country, we will. I agree with him that we have spent too much time screwing around with countries that take our money and then do little or nothing.
>>>>>You already did someting at Pakistan. You killed civillians...
>>>>Some, Sorry about that. It wouldn't happen if Al Qaeda fighters didn't hide among them.
>>>You're right. Very unreasonable of them to conceal themselves like that. Maybe we should do a deal, they stop hiding amongst the civilian population and our guys wear day glo jackets with targets on the back.
>>Actually our guys wear uniforms ( except for a few of maybe the most effective <s>) If they would wear uniforms too that would probably cover it.
>>Asymetric warfare is a fascinating thing.
>>No moral high ground. Just war - there can never be anything "moral" about that. You just try win and get it over with.
>Fascinating ?? What exactly is the fascinating in a bloody mess there ??
>Ugly (as all wars are) - yes.
>What I never understood is why keep ground troops (moving green targets) instead of keeping it all 'asymetric'
>If Al-Qaeda and Taliban are mixed with local population (true for Taliban perhaps, less for AQ which are foreign commandoes)
>then why not confront them with commandoes (agents) dressed as civilians?

Same reason we didn't try that with Japan or North Korea. The majority of americans don't blend in in those areas. They don't look the same. They do not speak the local dialets fluently. They aren't Islamic. Plain and simple.

>Instead Obama is sending 30.000 brand new occupiers for locals to shoot at. Why for crying out loud ???
>Casualties will naturally increase on both sides, but how about actual results ?
>Will this eradicate taliban? - Absolutely NO.
>Will this eradicate AQ ? - Maybe, but focused undercover operation could have done it already.
>(and they are already dissapearing, mysteriosely as they appeared)
>So what is the point in staying there militarily/financially another 15 years?
>(Karzai already made his request for 'user support' another 5 years (+10 years financially!)
>Is it all for the sake of Karzai implementing western style democracy on a tribal (11 century) community/mentality,
>or staying present in Afganistan for another 15-20 years is the simply goal in itself ?

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