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Karzai: U.S. must have patience
10/12/2009 09:00:51
10/12/2009 01:17:09
Lutz Scheffler (En ligne)
Lutz Scheffler Software Ingenieurbüro
Dresden, Allemagne
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>>>>>>>>>>This makes steam come out of my ears. Are eight years and untold billions of dollars not patience enough? Here is the leader of one of the most corrupt governments in the world, the "winner" of an election this fall that was so crooked it would have made the old Soviets blush, and he's lecturing us. Unbelievable.
>>>>>>>>>>Someone please remind me why we care about Afghanistan beyond taking out the terrorists who are there. We can do that without having to put up with lectures from tinhorn dictators.
>>>>>>>>>Don't be angry him. He just the "voice of his master". Read this article:
>>>>>>>>>Taliban will be next at Afghanistan. Noone can change that truth.
>>>>>>>>Well, we can. Obama and other U.S. officials are already putting pressure on both Afghanistan and Pakistan, where the Taliban have been retreating to resupply. Obama told the Pakistani president directly that if they don't do anything about the Taliban in his country, we will. I agree with him that we have spent too much time screwing around with countries that take our money and then do little or nothing.
>>>>>>>You already did someting at Pakistan. You killed civillians...
>>>>>>Some, Sorry about that. It wouldn't happen if Al Qaeda fighters didn't hide among them.
>>>>>You're right. Very unreasonable of them to conceal themselves like that. Maybe we should do a deal, they stop hiding amongst the civilian population and our guys wear day glo jackets with targets on the back.
>>>>Actually our guys wear uniforms ( except for a few of maybe the most effective <s>) If they would wear uniforms too that would probably cover it.
>>>>Asymetric warfare is a fascinating thing. Remember the absolute outrage over the (later proved false) allegations that US troops at Guatanamo or someplace had somehow disrespected the Koran? ... by the folks who are slaughtering innocents in bombing and shooting up mosques during prayer all over Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan ?
>>>>No moral high ground. Just war - there can never be anything "moral" about that. You just try win and get it over with.
>>>Basicaly noting wrong with this
>>>But somebody started this war in bringing democray and similar. Remember? Somebody started to be better.
>>>Your guys wear there uniform half a world away pressing buttons to bomb weddings. Much better camouflage then the common Taliban.
>>>I realy like it if somebody is measured by its own false rule(r).
>>>The problem with your example on "disrespected the Koran" is that everybody need very little to believe it. Not that it would add much to the rest of the torture (replace with your own euphemism here).
>>>As long as somebody select into people he have to deal as humans and people he might deal otherwise he is on the bad side.
>>Agnes Agnes Agnes tsk tsk tsk. Let's not lose our perspective. The Americans did not start the war. First of all they have been blamed for almost everything bad that happens in the world by the middle easter media and I suspect they're religious leaders too. Well the old adage is that if you tell a lie enough people will come to believe it and that is what happened. Then Al Queda blew up American embassies and other established diplomatics locations and even killed hundreds of American Marines. After YEARS of being hit and not retaliating against Al Qaida et al, two planes murdered (Metin take note) over 3000 CIVILIANS by crashing two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center. THAT is the start of the war. Americans did not start it, but they may very well finish it.
>>Note to Al Qaida and similar groups. There is another powerful country on the scene. It's China - Go bomb them and see what happens or better still, how about peace on earth for a change.
>If one believe in 9/11. My first thought was that the sky scrappers are falling too perfect and nothing has changed it. But let this alone.
>Iraq was not involved in 9/11. They had just oil.
>You need to go a step beyond. Who grow up all the muslim terrorist? For what reason? Who set up the koran schools in Pakistan? No, it is impossible that the U.S. pampered them in there fight against the USSR. Besieged them with money and weapons. Oh no. They are so innocent. There was something about wind and storm.

Oh dear Agnes. Have a nice life.
I ain't skeert of nuttin eh?
Yikes! What was that?

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