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Health care reform bill passes the Senate
29/12/2009 11:09:14
Walter Meester
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First of all, I do not trust the American healthcare system, period. 2nd, I do not want any additional taxes upon me without my consent to pay for healthcare that our nation cannot afford while we are going into a recession and a possible depression. 3rd, the government of the United States cannot be trusted. 4th, the medical system in the United States is full of corruption.

Now, my final point is that I do not believe in federal income taxes, although I pay them. Why do I pay them? because, if I don't, my freedoms will be restricted. The federal tax system which the United States has is one of the Communist planks. It is called a graduated income tax. 1913 was a great year for those who would enslave our country; it is called the Federal Reserve System. We lost a lot in that year from those who conspired against the people's interests and freedoms for greed and control.

My brother lived in Denmark for about 11 years and liked the sociliast system in that country, but he did not like it that so many people who were not elected had so much power in the daily lives of their people. I can understand that if you are born and raised within socialism that you cannot see it as such, that it appears to just be a normal thing to you. We, here in the US were not raised so much in socialism and value our freedoms, even to the point fo not having healthcare paid for, in effect by each person's taxes. If we heap upon our country the taxes the Democrats are soon to push down our throats, we will kill any incentive for small businesses because the costs will be too great, and the effect of that is that businesses will fail; they will stop hiring new employees and the middle class in America will soon die off. We are literally headed to becoming no better than a 3rd world nation because of our leaders' corrupt nature and burdensome taxes. Bush and Obama spend like drunken sailors when the bank is empty. China has warned our illegal immigrant President that he cannot continue to spend like this.

I am also not sold on the medical practice here in the United States as being completely wholesome and truthful, to accept all truth no matter where it is found. When the medical community int he alte 1980's increased vaccines (along with the pharmaceutical companies), not only did the Big Pharma make a lot of money, but many children suddenly had AUTISM and some believe it to be caused by the mercury in thimerosol. Hmmm, could it be that the same increase in VACCINES translated into AUTISM? Many Doctors in the US think so. Yet, incredibly, no one cares to find out, at least not the pharmaceutical companies because it would cut into their pockets and syphen off profits. Ronald Reagan had some things to say about the dangers to our freedoms of a national healthcare system, which can be found on the web.

Obviously, I also believe that the US Healthcare system is sick to the core, but I do not believe that the government can do any better. More government is nto the answer. We can see that the intent of the Democrats here is not to fix the problem, but to only create a new one, that will costs us dearly for genearations to come.

By the way, I am not a Republican and I voted for a black man for President, just not Obama.



>The US has been looking at european systems where quality and availability of healthcare outperformed the US one for a fraction of the price. This has nothing to do with socialism or communism... that probably is indoctrinated to you by the republicans. Shocking to see that the average american does not even know the definition of those words. Europe is not ruled by communism and socialism, but their healthcare infrastructure outperform the US on about every aspect.

>The dutch system is most likely the system that best could be implemented in the US, as the government has no role in insuring, but only in strict regulation. We've got commercial insurance companies you can choose from which have several packages you can pick. Of course if you've got enough money you can buy the best healthcare needed.

>The problem of the US health care are inmense because of its infrastructure and lack of emphasis of prevention. Up here a family PCP (GP) handles 90% of all problem. If he/she cannot handle it, the patient is referred to a specialist. Emergency care of course is different and more like the one in the US. But in our system specialist are not bombarded with simple stuff that could be taken care of by a PCP. Up here they also won't do a whole scala of expensive investigations, to avoid being sued even in the slightest chance.

>I'm working in the healthcare business in europe and north america, and I can tell you that the current US system is sick to the core.
I could not get any worse.

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