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Global Warming is upon us
03/01/2010 08:46:28
John Baird
Coatesville, Pennsylvania, United States
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>>>Then there is a little cool snap in Carolina too. http://www2.wnct.com/nct/news/local/article/once_in_a_generation_cold_snap_forecast_for_nc/91554/
>>>And people are dying in Chicago - http://cbs2chicago.com/wireapnewsil/Chicago.man.s.2.1400772.html
>>>Help, help, help the sky is freezing!
>>but the global warming maniacs have an answer for this too... their pat response is that global warming causes erratic weather patterns so the current cold temperatures fit well within their definition of "erratic".
>Maniacs? Including all those scientists who are unaffiliated with the fossil fuels industry?
>What I truly do not get is why there is so much attempted debunking of global warming among conservatives. I have a theory, though. Want to hear it? It isn't even an insulting theory. I think deep down, or even subconsciously, conservatives like the status quo. They love the Norman Rockwell America of the 1950s and become agitated by anything that is different. Probably not so hard to understand. The 1950s was a hell of a time for white males.

If it were a scientific effort, I'd take a look at the process; however, all it is is a political, shock the masses, junk science boondoggle to create panic and hysteria. If you look at the caliber of the folks in the forefront, all of them are ecological miscreants and environmentalist whackos. Al "I invented the internet" Gore is the leader of the pack and the biggest windbag and liar of the bunch. His hot air alone could be considered causal for global warming. He is also a hypocrit when it comes to practicing what he preaches. The CRU's emails showing the fudging alogorythms to bring the junk statistical data into compliance with their theories, etc.... show the political agenda down to fudging data and creating statistics to prove their point. You call this science?

Your theory is bogus, Conservatives want what is good for America, pure science, capitalism at its maximum and states rights, not a bloated arrogant beurocracy like we have now where the bulk of our elected representatives don't give a hoot about those that put them there and will vote their own egotistical agenda, re the health care bill. The liberals forget and try to do away with that pesky little document called the Constitution of the United States of America. If only they could figure out a way to eliminate it all together.

I have a theory too. Its call the theory of incrementalism. I've been writing a book for years entitled: Incrementalism, the liberal destruction of America. My belief is that the liberal whackos know they can't force their agenda down America's throat becuase no body with a brain would stand for it, however, they can do it a bit at a time, starting with the destruction of Religious belief in america in the 60's; followed by the destruction of the nuclear family by promoting the belief that woman can be more than just a mom; that motherhood is a curse to the upward mobile woman; followed by woman's choice; followed by the teaching and politization of GLBT messages that its okay for Bobby to have two daddies or sally to have two mommies; followed by the BS that a child can't be allowed to fail a test or not get selected for a sports team, that egos will be bruilsed and scarred for life; etc......etc....etc... This incrementalis is an end run around the constitution and will sooner or later destroy us.

Becuase the libs have been incrementally destroying american life for the last 50 years, we deserve what we are about to receive and its already started: the housing crisis, the financial crisis, the health crisis, etc. I'm glad I'll be dead and gone in 20 years or so, so I wont' have to see my grandchildren suffer through the times that are a coming, unless American's wake up and send the likes of ted kennedy, al sharpton, jesse jackson, hillary clinton, nobama, nancy pelosi, chuck shumer, babs boxer, et.al. packing. Then and only then will morality, family and a new america re-emerge to take its place in the world.

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