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All those who had Palin going to FoxNews...
13/01/2010 20:43:37
13/01/2010 14:01:34
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>>>>>>>>>>>>Not sure how responsible it is to put such an idiot on a national TV news show though....
>>>>>>>>>>>Al Gore seemed to do well with his extra publicity, and he's a pretty big idiot.
>>>>>>>>>>Al Gore is Nobel Laureate and also a Harvard Grad - so I think I'd trust his intelligence a tad more than Palin's.
>>>>>>>>>We weren't talking about book smarts. We were talking about being an idiot.
>>>>>>>>Fine. Gore has said some dumb things. Plain IS dumb....huge difference.
>>>>>>>Dumb enought to be elected a Mayor and a Governor... not toooooo shabby !!! (and almost Vice-President too)..... and now working for FoxNews.... so not tooooooooooooooo dumb.. I'd say!
>>>>>>>And a major best-seller, too ???
>>>>>>Mayor of a town of what, a few thousand? And governor of a state of a million? That's not the big leagues.
>>>>>>And if she wrote that book herself, I'm a monkey's uncle.
>>>>>She's far more successful than more than a few folks (who are insulting her) here... :o) Not such an idiot or a dummy I'd say...
>>>>More successful than the man on the street .... that's a pretty low bar to be President, isn't it?
>>>I wasn't referring to qualifications to be President. I was referring to accomplishments to date in life and income. Mayor, Governor, author, speaker, and now commentator... I didn't read specifically for President in any of the comments I responded to...
>>Fair enough. Are you suggesting people can only be criticized by those at least as successful as them?
>Not at all. Only that the success should at least be acknowledged if the primary criticisms are stupidity...

Read her book, or at least, try to, before calling it successful. Just because a lot of people bought it, doesn't mean it's any good, and for me, the success of a book is not simply in sales. That would make Danielle Steele a more successful writer than Neal Stephenson. She's sold more, but she writes crap, he writes marvels. To me quality is what success is about, not just quantity.

Now you're going to ask me if I read it. I have to tell you honestly, that it defeated me. It's unreadable claptrap, but in truth, I didn't get too far into it before giving it up as a wasted effort. That is not, imho, success.

A lot of people jumped on her bandwagon without scratching too far below the surface. That's what made her 'successful'.

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