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Nice going, Martha
20/01/2010 14:16:58
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>>>>The irony must be exquisite for some. Ted Kennedy -- put aside whether you liked him or not -- devoted many years to the cause of health care reform, right up to his death. It nearly comes to fruition, only to be thwarted by the person elected to serve out his term. Ain't life strange?
>>>>As Brown said: it is not Ted Kennedy's seat. It is the people's seat. This was a referendum on Obama and his policies.
>>>Could be.
>>>Of course the seat did not belong to Ted Kennedy. If I said he held it for 40 how many ever years, would you be better with that? Jeez. You are still stuck on the delusion that your Congresscritter reports to you.
>>>Uh, OK, you've got me revved up, as you tend to. Here are my thoughts. You know what I think about the Tea Party movement, which you are clearly part of? (For the benefit of non-U.S. members, this is a surging breakaway movement within the Republican Party which is mad as hell and isn't going to take it any more). I wish the so-called Tea Party every success. Truly. Because they (you) remain a distinct minority incapable of winning a general election and very capable in their anger and extremity of leading the Republican Party off yet another cliff. Carry on!
>>Another perfect example of how angry, rude, and insulting you can be at times.
>You would be pleasantly surprised if you knew me in person, not that I am asking you to. Maybe my post to Marcia came out angrier, ruder, and more insulting than I intended. But she does bring it out in me, I admit it. You would think her new purpose in life is to torment me with her constant insults and gratuitous comments about drinking. If I were not ideologically against twit filters I would have twitted her long ago.

I'll grant you that both of you seem to hit the right buttons in each other, but for this time, didn't you insult her before she made the drinking comment and wasn't it your angry post that prompted her to press that button? Unless I missed something (which is possible - I don't see all posts)...

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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